Tamaulipas – Mexico | Tourism Jobs in Relevant Growth


Tamaulipas, state located in northeast Mexico with its eastern part formed by the Gulf of Mexico highlighted by wide beaches and numerous lagoons and the western territory crossed by the Sierra Madre mountain ranges and by tropical valleys, with the north dominated by large, arid plains at the end of the third quarter of the year advanced from 17th to 13th place in growth in the tourism sector.

Tourism in Tamaulipas continues on the rise, giving better dividends for the state's economy, boosting employment and social developments, and this brilliant achievement has been highlighted by the Secretary of Tourism of the Mexican state Benjamin Hernández Rodriguez who also underlined the relevant growth in the number of tourism – related tourism jobs.

The Secretary of Tourism according to INEGI, the autonomous agency of the Mexican Government dedicated to coordinate the National System of Statistical and Geographical information of the country, reported rhat at the end of the third quarter of the year, the state of Tamaulipas has climbed four positions in the ranking, a relevant growth in the sector with 128.014 jobs which represents an increase of 6.2% compared to the same quarter of 2023.

The jobs continue to recover in the tertiary sector, in restaurants and accommodation services, after the fall that occurred from the second quarter of 2020 and in the fiest quarter of 2024 alone, the state ranked the 17th position in employment growth compared to the first quarter of 2023.

Jobs in tourism activities increased in the state, while other Mexican states such as Baja California Sur, Colima, Estado de México, Guerrero, Hidalgo, Nuevo León, Oaxaca, Querétaro, San Luis Potosí, Tabasco and Zacatecas registered red numbers.

Link -  https://www.expreso.info/index.php/noticias/internacional/104243_tamaulipas_crece_en_empleos_relacionados_con_el_turismo

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