Falkenberg | Great Tourism and Outdoor Activities in Southern Sweden.

Falkenberg is absolutely a splendid destination which offers very attractive chances to enjoy a great tourism and outdoor activities with several brilliant opportunities to spend more than pleasant holidays in Southern Sweden in a beautiful corner of Scandinavia highlighted by a considerable historic and cultural patrimony, a further incentive to discover and know a land which delights many visitors who once landed there are extremely surprised for the stunning beauty of that fabulous Nordic territory.

That very pleasant Swedish centre situated in the County of Halland on the shore of the North Sea with its approximately 40,000 inhabitants is located at 45, 0 kilometres north of the attractive city of Hamlstad and 105, 0 kilometres south of the wonderful Göteborg, the  2nd major centre of the country just behind the capital Stockholm in a very strategic geographic position as a magnificent gateway  open to  a land rich of history with a very captivating past, a stupendous  nature and with endless opportunities of wonderful routes and itineraries for every taste.

That splendid town boasts in its boundaries Skrea Strand, a popular and well known beach which was awarded as one of the most beautiful of the entire Kingdom included in the top ten at national level with the presence of a constant blue flag since a long time ago, a stunning sandy coastal stretch simply impressive also for the outstanding services and facilities it offers for the joy of a multitude of visitors.

Falkenberg is in addition located on the banks of the  Atran  River, a beautiful waterway surrounded by splendid forests and a fascinating verdant countryside which are all together a charming frame and a great incentive to practise al around that scenic territory many outdoor activities such as trekking, cycling, mountain bike, fishing, rowing and canoeing among others.

All that makes that centre a very distinguished destination, ideal site to plan holidays in which the word boredom does not exist, there is always something to do in spring, summer and autumn. Also winter is a special season in which a visitor can organise a trip there discovering a wide range of attractions and a more than interesting cultural tourism enjoying the different colours of nature very appealing with many contrasts of tonalities of the local landscapes equally wonderful also in that period of the year.

Notable is the offer of comfortable Hotels and accommodations which greatly respond to the most demanding requests, there are in addition great opportunities to play golf in excellent Clubs and Falkenberg is a perfect and ideal site for those who love cycle tourism along a marvellous coast and in the undulated interior crossing a stupendous uncontaminated Nordic woodland which is as a special spot of the entire county capturing the attention of photographers for its perfect, immaculate and intact preservation.

The presence of a delicious cuisine is another great aspect which completes a large fan of proposals next to very kind and polite locals always ready to welcome the tourists. You can breathe there furthermore a very calm and peaceful atmosphere, no traffic and noise and that combination sea & countryside is something of extremely attractive next to an absence of contamination and a very well conserved environment, natural and architectural.

Sweden is a country which in terms of incoming tourism is greatly advanced, offering excellent services, the Tourism Offices everywhere you are always provide all the most detailed information to discover and know the most important and relevant sites an incentive for a tourist to visit more and more sites with enthusiasm also for those many suggestions received, a detail certainly more than appreciated.

Including the local Tourism Board in minor centres offer all the needs for a traveller to enjoy the most relevant excursions in the immediate surroundings of a destination and in the case of Falkenberg all that is largely confirmed with the chance to collect everything about all the most interesting places to visit in the immediate vicinity and the entire region.

Those wonderful services permit the visitor to explore and learn more about a territory which is a mine of stunning surprises, the western coast of that country a bit underrated and for many unknown is simply wonderful and highly scenic with a magnificent succession of stunning inlets, headlands and small bays to immortalise in hundreds of superb pictures.You can visit sites of notable interest such as Varberg, Küngsbacka, Vessigebro, Arstad and Vinberg very attractive and all themnot far from Falkenberg.

The history of that municipality is another superb highlight and it is extremely captivating. The entire county was inhabited since the bronze age and after archaeological excavations which took place in the current municipal boundaries were found several artifacts consisting in metals, different kinds of objects, utensils and carved stones, all symbols of an ancient civilisation who populated those lands certifying a relevant and very active life in those times.

Many are the historic chronological events which highlighted the local territory attesting the relevance of the current centre which was since the Middle Ages theatre of several battles, long disputes and claims for a very long time among the three big Scandinavian Kingdoms such as Sweden, Norway and Denmark, protagonists of several clashes to obtain the domain of that desired land.

Falkenberg for its location facing the Danish coasts and strategically located on the road leading to Göteborg and Norway with a very easy access to the Lahomsbukten Gulf and the promontory of Bastad often generated dreams of conquest by those Nordic Reigns to incorporate a strategic gate under their influences.Those Scandinavian Kings strongly desired to have in their Realms that hallway in a unique geographic point with many chances to develop new routes and trades of extreme relevance and ideal site to create a prosperous and flourishing economy.

In medieval times and especially in a period corresponding to the 13th century Falkenberg and its surroundings were invaded by King Hakkon IV of Norway who decided to establish in that time new ports on the North Sea to connect directly the Norwegian coasts to those of Sweden expanding alongside the North Sea an already powerful Reign.

On the other side the enemy was the King of Sweden Magnus I who had the intention to enlarge the borders of his domains incorporating in its territories all the current county of Halland which for a long time was an independent land never included in that  Kingdom in continuous expansion. 

Those several disputes and clashes between those two countries called a third contender: the Reign of Denmark. In that period that nation under rule of King Eric VI understood that the and that region were also for him more than ideal places to extend their fame and prestige in Northern Europe with new conquests connecting that important coastal stretch directly to the nearest Danish harbours creating a wide and strategic maritime network in the Scandinavian Peninsula.

Obtaining that Southern Swedish centre the Danes could establish a direct link to the Kattegat with the towns of Frederikshavn at north, Hals facing Falkenberg and Grenaa situated in front of Halmstad having in that way a large domain in a corner of the North Sea dominating a vast maritime space and with the chance to organise in strategic  and different harbours a powerful fleet with many points of reference.

Along that littoral Denmark could manage several new maritime operations in a focal point with also the chance to establish apart important military and commercial bases the chance to increase its already consolidated fishing herring activity which in those times was among the most flourishing in the entire European Continent.

Falkenberg which was occupied by the Swedes was conquered by the Danes after a long siege and they erected in its boundaries a fortress on the Atran river. All that was the beginning of a further long war against Sweden with times characterised by endless episodes consisting in the elevation of bastions, constant attacks, incursions and long tenacious defences, landing of troops by sea and that clash was furtherly expanded across all the local territory including in the interior.

The Swedes never accepted that Danish influence which also had integrated Norway in its Reign  on a territory that was historically and culturally considered more Swedish for historic cultural and territorial reasons and furthermore that conflict was also enlarged for other causes and one the main relevant was fishing but not specifically focused to the previously mentioned herring which had a secondary effect.

The Atran is a waterway well known to be very rich of salmon and that was the real reason to have a monopoly of that product which since those ancient times was already sold in important markets and it was considered a unique source of a prosperous economy which was creating since those times a notable business also for its price and quality.

All that generated in the local boundaries several fights between those two Realms and all linked to that the Danish stronghold erected on the shore of that claimed  waterway protagonist of an intense and long siege and later totally devastated by the Swedish troops and today just some small traces of the foundations of that famous site are visible.

Further clashes and a very tense period was highlighted including by three treaties, one of them took place in Brömesbro in 1645 which determined the retirement of the Danish Army, that meeting was the prelude which decided the destiny of the current town.A further treaty was afterwards celebrated 30 years later in the famous city of Roskilde in Denmark. In that event was sanctioned the fate and future of the entire county which was definitively incorporated in the Kingdom of Sweden with the renounce of Denmark to future claims.

There is also a suggestive Nordic narration linked to that former disappeared fortress: the legend of Atrajungfrun. It said that when the Swedes were burning that fort according to a legend a maid hid a treasure in an underground tunnel and a servant locked it in a room but the walls fell and that hiding place was totally destroyed.

That story tells in that  the spirit of a rooster is watching the treasure keeping it safe with its magical powers invisible to the human eyes but in the case it could be discovered the rooster will crow and the servant hand over it from that site.

That historic town under Swedish rule had a notable development after those events and it obtained the title of Town Market living historic golden ages. Thanks to all that it increased in a short time its fame which continued for a long time becoming one of the most known centres in Southern Sweden devoted to a large variety of trades, such as fish, fabric, wheat and other products and transformed in a relevant cross point of several businesses by sea and road.  

In addition Falkenberg in the same period was elevated as a very active fishing centre and also relevant was the beginning of a flourishing artistic life with the establishment of different monument since the 15th century but especially between the 17th and 19th centuries when there was a notable construction of historic buildings which are still present as patrimony heritage of the community.

The name of that coastal town as in many other places has generated some debates about its origin also in consequence of the Danish occupation and with controversial opinions.One version tells it probably derives from that famous fortress but there are others. The denomination Falkenberg translated from Swedish language is the composition of two words such as Falken meaning Falcons and Berg which means mountain or high hill, so mountain of the falcons or hawks.

A further one is related to a hypothesis that it was a place dedicated to the falconry developed by the Danes in medieval times but an old book written in the 18th century called Hallandia Antiqua et Odierna a sort of Encyclopedia written in Swedish collecting and recording all the historic information of the land according to several historic information obtained after numerous studies and meticulous researches declared that those two previously mentioned versions were unfounded. 

 It was certain existed on a local hill a presence of falcons but not that activity and neither the name of the old fortress which was a further remote supposition.

Falkenberg has as many old Swedish cities and towns its Gamla Stan, a name which immediately reminds that famed  and emblematic quarter of Stockholm but it is a denomination which generally classifies an old Swedish historic centre.

You can start the visit from that charming place called Falkenberg Gamla Stan lying between two bridges established on the river Atran such as Peter Abergs Vag next to Falkenberg Museum and another one established on the northern shore representing an iconic symbol of the municipality, the Tullbron, the toll bridge which represented for a long time the emblem of the wealthy and prosperous trade of that centre.

That historic icon links two important avenues as Brogatan which directly leads to the railway station and Halmstadvagen, an important artery consisting in a strategic urban axis connecting the central core to the immediate outskirts and extra radius of the municipality. 

That district is a very fascinating and attractive borough with a series of coloured wooden houses erected on a maze of picturesque cobblestone streets and one of its main highlights apart that charming and captivating architectural and scenery very well preserved is Falkenberg Museet which deserves a visit because it is a perfect introduction of many stages in more contemporary times of the town.

That Exhibition displays the chronological history of the local life related to the last 60 years with an exhaustive illustration of the main activities of the community and including a very interesting permanent section devoted to the historic development of the Railway in its boundaries, a shoemaker´s shop and it is also great to see all the changes in those decades until the most recent times thanks to the presence of some pictures taken in different periods.

In Storgatan, a street located at a very short distance from that interesting museum  you can admire Sankt Laurentii Kyrka which is one of the historic local religious symbols elevated on the soil of Falkenberg. That splendid Church dating back the Middle Ages was erected in the 14th century but largely destroyed in the 15th century in that notorious war between Sweden and Denmark.  

Restored and rearranged during the 17th and 18th century further works and changes took place in the early 20th century changing its former architectural Gothic image and that Lutheran Religious temple was also for a period used as a sporting hall returning to its original role in 1928 and dedicated to St. Lawrence.

The current construction consists in a long white low building developed on a large irregular rectangular plan with a scenic red sloping roof and a series of wide windows placed on the walls around its perimeter. 

 Very sober but at the same time refined for the fine composition of many details and also attractive is the contrast of colours but well balanced by elements placed in concrete positions and no artistic bizarre extravagance ruined the aspect of a building which is not rich of decorations but characterised by perfect lines and an outstanding symmetry in the entire layout.

The main body of the Church is flanked by a high bell tower greatly covered by a green copper dome with circular dark watches placed around its perimeter, a presence loyal to the artistic and architectural concepts of the finest artistic Swedish school for that use of specific material and surmounted by a square turret topped by a pinnacle. 

The interior is highlighted by a long nave and it is very luminous thanks to the presence of large windows placed beneath niches on the sides transmitting lights to the interior and a stylish chandelier hanging from a brown ceiling are further pleasant attractions. The apse with the altar is not too big and pretty austere but greatly characterised by marked outlines and a fine double arched window immediately behind the altarpiece.

Sankt Laurentii Kyrka is surrounded by a green pleasant garden giving that Sacred Temple further appeal with that well cared verdant space which is well combined and in perfect harmony with rest of the local environment.

In the same street at the civic number 69 you can have the chance to admire the oldest wooden house of the entire town Hinstromske Huset built in 1736 representing in its kind a distinctive symbol and a gem of the local architecture.

In Nygatan, an artery just five minutes walking from Storgatan and the previous Church you can admire probably the most impressive and imposing building of the municipality : Falkenberg  Kyrka.

That majestic Religious Temple is a stunning construction dating back the late 19th century representing a classical and superb example of Neo-Gothic Nordic style very loyal to the major and predominant architectural canons used in Sweden in that period in terms of use of materials, executions of lines, decorations, order in the layout, volume and height.

The front side of that beautiful Protestant Church is absolutely impressive, it was completely built using fine granite with a nave and a high central tower. Wonderful is the imposing and huge sloping roof developed in two sections one covering the main nave and the other established on its right side. 
Splendid are also the big stained glass windows placed all around the walls of the structure and a spectacular highlight is definitely the magnificent large wide rose window reminiscent a traditional and classical Romanesque style an inspiration of many architects in that period very active to embellish the facades of Churches and Cathedrals all around Sweden. That kind of emblematic element of the Middle Ages was often added in several structures in a sort of revival, revaluing the beauty of medieval art in a more contemporary era.

The framed portal shows some relevant reliefs and ornaments and a further attraction is the majestic bell tower greatly highlighted by a long spire topped by a large cross and on its main facade was inserted a very scenic and big circular watch.

In a short walk from Falkenberg Turystbyra, the local Tourism Office, excellent site to collect information about the local surroundings filling your days during a stay organising other great visits you can reach Sandgatan another important street of the historic centre and once there worth a visit a very interesting exhibition consisting in the Photo Museum Olympia hosted in a building which previously housed a theatre erected in the early 20th century.

That museum displays a range of old models of cameras some of them with tripod, artistic pictures and many old accessories linked to the photography world, a great chance for those who are interested in that kind of items and all that linked to that kind of activity admiring some superb examples which made the history of that kind of industry.

A further attraction is located in Krukmakaregatan and it is Thörngren´s Pottery, a site which is an additional emblem of the municipality but also part of the Swedish history of manufacture.

That establishment has a long history; it was opened in 1789 and after many generations continues to produce beautiful items and articles of notable value. For that long tradition and the superb works made since its inception that distinguished factory is considered a relevant local pride for its history, date of foundation and excellent quality of its handmade objects very appreciated all around the country. 

 In the past were also manufactured other kinds of items as tiled stoves while today the production continues with stylish decorative works but its reputation is still alive in Sweden for a great prestige which reached with its name a notable appreciation on national scale.

Tullbron is another distinctive monument and it is that iconic stoned toll bridge built in the 18th century considered a distinctive landmark of the town for what it represented since its construction on the Atran river.That structure certifies with its presence the notable importance of that Swedish town since the times when Falkenberg lived its unforgettable golden ages in terms of commerce and trades.

It took its name by a school called Tullsbroskolan and it is nowadays greatly preserved. It was restored in some occasions in the 20th century, concretely in 1927 and 1994, years in which were managed the most important works of conservation.

In the course of its history that infrastructure has always been an important point of communication in Southern Sweden and it ceased its activity of toll bridge in 1914 but before that year it was an obliged transit along the most important commercial routes of the County of Halland linking Göteborg to the northwestern coast.

It represents more than an icon because it elevated the prestige and fame of Falkenberg at National level and it is still in use with an average circulation of approximately 3,700/3800, 0 vehicles a day.

Close to that imposing construction are visible some traces of the Old Danish fortress remembering the history of a stronghold which was protagonist of years of notable history in the Middle Ages.

The local area is an authentic paradise to enjoy an endless list of great outdoor activities and the magnificent natural environment is certainly a great invitation for visitors who love nature in all its essence.

The Atram River is considered one of the best places of the entire Scandinavia regarding salmon fishing and it attracted since a long time ago apart a multitude of locals, people coming from other corners of Sweden and including from abroad.

A British lawyer and writer from London W.M. Wilkinson wrote a book in 1884 titled Days in Falkenberg mentioning the life, the natural environment and of course the salmon fishing highlighting the catch of that kind of fish on that waterway declaring that it was better than two iconic destinations as Canada and Norway.

That literary work was undoubtedly a great promotion and many travellers from Great Britain fond about fishing after reading the marvels narrated by that gentleman decided to live that experience followed later by American citizens who also enjoyed that activity along the shore of that Swedish water course.

The salmon fishing season endures some months it is open from 1st April to the 30th September and it is permitted from Tullbron and two kilometres upstream to Laxbron, another local bridge.

On that river is also possible to practise other activities as canoeing, a paradise also ideal to spend pleasant times along its shore admiring the wild and uncontaminated nature and exploring in its proximity the local virgin forests through fairytale paths which transmit an immense charm for their preserved image.

That wonderful site and that enchanting scenery permits the tourists to discover the best image of the verdant countryside of Southern Sweden and also cycling is another great experience admiring along scenic routes beautiful landscapes and  visiting small picturesque villages in the immediate surroundings.

The opportunity to enjoy holidays and relaxing days with a stay in comfortable wooden cottages immersed in splendid natural corners is undoubtedly another great and attractive incentive choosing them as selected accommodations in alternative to the excellent Hotels Falkenberg offers in its boundaries and in its immediate vicinity.

Another very trendy activity loved by many people is the brilliant chance to play golf in splendid sites as Björnhult´s Golf Club, a great and prestigious 18 hole Golf Course and also Falkenberg Golf Club located in Skrea in proximity of the beach is another one highly appreciated.

Those two beautiful complexes offer the opportunity to enjoy that sport in magnificent environments in which an uncontaminated nature is absolute protagonist and they are among the most quoted of the entire County boasting a very high reputation also at national level.

The famous beach of Skrea, Skrea Strand is situated just 3, 0 kilometres from the town centre and crossing the bridge Peter Abergs Vag in less than 10 minutes driving you can reach that splendid sandy stretch.

That site was originally a little independent village incorporated in the municipality of Falkenberg which thanks to that beautiful attraction became a popular destination for a very complete tourism.

That great beach boasts a length of approximately 2, 5 kilometres providing about 1,600 cabins, a pier 250, 0 metres long, a constant blue flag, a very good quality of sand,  clean waters, a magnificent maintenance and many services and facilities to practise water sports.

It is famous all around the country for its beauty and size, very long and wide with the opportunity to enjoy wonderful relaxing walks and it started to be frequented a long time ago.

Originally the local tourism started to be developed especially focused to offer holidays as a curative resort sensitive to people with some diseases. All that began in 1917 when that wonderful site became very popular for the presence of Tuberkoulusföeringen an Institution very active to cure the tuberculosis.

Due to the high demand it received in the next decades were built other services and structures such as a Hotel, some restaurants and since then Falkenberg was elevated as a destination which could offer the brilliant attractive combination Seaside Resort, Spa & cultural tourism in a nutshell.

That beautiful site also acquired further prestige for its Klitterbadet, a famed bath which was built in 1969. Originally it was an outdoor structure but later in the 80s it was transformed in an indoor pool. Worth a special mention that complex is the unique in Sweden providing salt water and furthermore as notable detail is its relevant length of 50, 0 metres. 

Very famous in the entire country it is one of the symbols of the history of the local incoming tourism industry and those relevant facilities obviously gave the resort an additional popularity generating excellent incoming flows.

In that former village you can also a historic monument consisting in Skrea Kyrka which is the local Parish Church. That Religious Lutheran site is a white building dating back the mid 19th century located in a splendid green area surrounded by several trees. It is characterised by elegant and stylish architectonic lines and the main body is embellished on its sides by charming stained glass windows.

Skrea Kyrka is  subdivided in two sections, one block corresponds to the main structure developed on a long plan with an ample apse and a nave covered by a scenic sloping roof while the second consists to a towering construction developed on a square plan with a doorway as main entrance and on the top was placed a polygonal turret surmounted by a Cross. 

Very interesting just 15 minutes away from Falkenberg in proximity of Varberg the presence of some dolmens in an area called Klastorp with tombs dating back hundreds of centuries B.C. Nobody exactly knows the age of that incredible big boulders but one thing is certain that they are a relevant local historic patrimony.

That area is also beautiful to admire a scenic coastline in direction of Göteborg with several inlets and sharp headlands forming beautiful small bays and before to reach the town of Küngsbacka you can admire many fabulous islets in the North Sea not far from the mainland. All them are of an extreme  beauty and the immediate interior is equally charming packed by infinite verdant and stupendous forests with also several small picturesque lakes.

Not far I suggest to visit a small centre called Tvaaker surrounded by a beautiful green countryside and highlighted by a very peaceful atmosphere representing for its image the most genuine and rural Sweden.

In its boundaries you can admire a beautiful Church called Tvaakers Kyrka dating back the 19th century, a magnificent representation of Nordic Romantic architectural style. Notable is the fine development of a large light body with big arched windows flanking on both sides the portal beneath a refined niche and a long beautiful grey roof

Next to the Church was elevated a high splendid tower highlighted in its upper section by a huge double window under a wonderful spire dlanked by two decorative pinnacles and on its summit a Christian Cross.

That sacred building in addition is very famous because it was erected by the famous and talented architect Johan Fredrik Abom who also designed the famous Södra Teatern of Stockholm, one of the most iconic theatres of Sweden in the district of Södermalm. (In the case you are interested I wrote a post regarding that district of the Swedish Capital)

In the case you have some plans to visit that specific area of Sweden, I added below some links useful to take information about all the area and some suggested Hotels as accommodation during your stay.

The local gastronomy is excellent and obviously one of the main gastronomic highlights is the famed delectable and always fresh salmon emblematic symbol of Falkenberg. That delicious fish is prepared in many styles such as baked, smoked and one of the most famous recipes is the popular Gravlax consisting in salmon cured with salt, dill and sugar.

Very appreciated is also the Inkokt Lax, a speciality in which that the salmon is boiled and prepared with an addition of carrots, onion and spices. The Lutefisk is another typical plate, a kind of very appreciated air dried stock fish while another pretty popular delight is the Klippfisk consisting in white fish before dried, then salted and served with salad and potatoes.

You can also enjoy delicious seafood of great quality and try the Fiskbullars, traditional white fish balls served with vegetables. Very popular are also the famed herring and one of the most traditional plate is the Surströmming in which that undisputable sea product is fermented using a special process and it is considered a sort of icon in the local culinary art with a very long tradition. 

Notable is the fame regarding sausages and extremely notorious are the Falukorv and Blodkorv which generally are grilled or baked and accompanied by a variety of fresh vegetables or in alternative by potatoes.The Prinskorv is another one; it is smaller than the previous often eaten as snack or appetisers but also present in sandwiches or a hot dogs flavoured by mustard or other kinds sauces.

 A further popular plate is certainly the Stekt Fläsk which is a delectable roasted pork generally served with onions in slices and potatoes.Very traditional is also the Kroppkaka, a sort of gnocchi or dumplings made with potatoes and filled by bacon, pork meat and adding onion. 

Of high reputation is a speciality Käldolmar, consisting in cabbage rolls filled by minced meat and rice and considerable is the excellent quality of beef and pork meats with a wide preparation of different kind of soups and casseroles.

About desserts Sweden boasts a great quality of berries, bilberries and lingo berries largely present in its forests and among the best in the world and by them there is a valuable production of jams and those fruits are also used in the preparation of several cakes. 

Falkenberg is a very interesting destination if you are planning holidays to Southern Sweden. The county of Halland is not far from the beautiful Göteborg and that city has a very important airport, a great chance to take in high consideration in the case you are planning a trip to that wonderful Scandinavian area and in approximately one hour and twenty minutes driving from there by E20 Motorway you will be at destination.

That town is a beautiful place in which every tourist can combine cultural tourism to a multitude of outdoor activities including Spa and with a superb beach and in addition to all that it is simply beautiful to discover sites with centuries of history located in spectacular natural scenery offering a lot of things to do.

That centre has many things to show and offer to a visitor, a site extremely attractive and captivating in which furthermore you will breathe an atmosphere full of of peace and serenity simply unique, an ideal and appropriate destination in which a splendorous nature is an absolute protagonist.

Sweden is a wonderful country and many less notorious places are all to discover and they will delight you, certainly the fascinating Falkenberg is one of them highly recommended to everyone to enjoy a great corner of the most genuine and true splendid Scandinavia in all its  enchanting beauty.

Francesco Mari

Recommended Hotels in Falkenberg 

Hotel Strandbaden
Grand Hotel Falkenberg
Hotel Falkberget
Nya Pallas Hotell & Spa
Romantik Hotell Vardshuset Hwitan 

Recommended Restaurants in Falkenberg

Restaurant Kallaren Laxen
Restaurant Laxbutiken Heberg Falkenberg

Useful links

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