Praia a Mare-Calabria | Startling Seaside and Suggestive Sea Caves.

 Praia a Mare is one of the most spectacular coastal destinations in Calabria,its startling seaside and the presence of suggestive sea caves make that resort absolutely unique in its kind.

That Southern Italian region which geographically represent the toe of the Italic Peninsula is a splendid Mediterranean paradise from North to South.The Northern coast in the county of Cosenza,bordering Basilicata is wild,colourful,picturesque,facing the magnificent Gulf of Policastro packed by astonishing views along that marvellous shoreline where start the wonderful Riviera dei Cedri,the Cedars Coast,so called for the rich presence of those plants.

The Riviera dei Cedri is a coastline which has many hidden treasures,a succession of beautiful places,small towns with impressive waterfronts,tiny rocky coves and sandy beaches,little bays and along the road unforgettable panoramic views.The crystalline waters of the Tyrrhenian sea and on the other side the fascinating peaks of the Pollino National Park and the wild mountainous plateau of the Sila are something simply unique and Praia a Mare is of course one of its most shining pearls.

Situated  at 200,0 kilometres south of  Naples and at 105,0 km north of the city of Cosenza,with its official 7,000 inhabitants,Praia a Mare is a must to visit if you are planning holidays in the sunny Calabria,an emblematic symbol of a coast which has not many equals.

Its marvellous beach of over 2,0 km in length in a strategic position in the Policastro Gulf and facing the stupendous and scenic Isola di Dino a picturesque islet close to its coast could immediately give the most deep inspiration to every painter or poet,in addition to the fascinating ancient history since the times of the Magna Greece of which that municipality was part,embracing the mythological and historical past of the Greek civilisation which left there indelible traces and legends which give furthermore charm to that seaside resort.

Praia a Mare was colonised by Greeks and its name Praia derives from the ancient Greek Plagia  meaning beach.There are many versions and debates about the origin of the name of the town,which historically was  a prolongation of the nearest town of Aieta.

Historical sources  say that beach of the current town as Plagia Aieta,the beach of that town which developed before of Praia a Mare,an ancient centre populated by settlers probably coming from the nearest Lucania,the current region of Basilicata and later relevant centre of Greeks,Romans and Byzantines.
Another version is from a the name Plagia Slavorum, when that coastal stretch was settled for a very brief short time by a Slavic population which reached that land crossing the Adriatic.

Another one is related to the name Plagia Sclavorum,Latin name meaning beach of the slaves,which probably evokes a possible traffic of slaves during the Roman Empire and much more probably before during the Enotri rule in the 6th century B.C.

The current town has seen moving on its territory several rulers from the ancient Enotri,Lucani,Greek ad Romans that land was also part of the Byzantine Empire linked to Constantinople and also land of invasions by Moorish and Saracens.

Calabria was also ruled by populations coming from North and Central Europe as the Goths,the Normans,Swabians the Lombard and later part of the domain of the French with the Angiovin Dynasty and Spanish incorporated in the Kingdom of the Two Sicilies under Spanish Bourbon influence all that before to join in the 19th century the Reign of Italy after the successful operations of the King of Piedmont and Sardinia led by the Savoy who became Sovereigns of Italy.

In most recent times before to be a tourist resort,the town always lived of fishing,a peaceful and picturesque village,where that activity was the main source of the local economy In the 20th century and concretely in the 30y Praia Mare had an interesting economic development thanks to the famous Italian giant textile group Marzotto,the first powerful big group born in Veneto in the Northern Italy in the town of Valdagno which installed some of its branches in the Southern Italy.

The textile industry had excellent results,creating a relevant tradition although the main factory called Marlane was closed for some problems due to the contamination and problems of health of some workers today that activity still continues linked to the most trendy design in the fashion area with an excellent production of stylish clothes.Also the Agnelli Family another prominent family from Turin,owner of the Fiat Group are linked to that resort when they bought the little island in front of Praia a Mare with the idea to develop tourism activities in that corner of Calabria.

The tourism increased since some decades ago with the construction of some Hotels,Agriturismi,(B&B) activities related to the renting of apartments,bars,restaurants and clubs.Thanks to its almost 7,0  km of municipal  coastline,the proximity of the splendid Parco Nazionale del Pollino and different tourism activities outdoors including trekking and hiking in the wild and marvellous interior of the region,created very interesting incentives,attracting several people who decided to spend holidays there,enjoying,beaches,nature and a rich secular history with a relevant patrimony highly appreciated.

 The centre of the town is mainly developed behind its magnificent coastline around its Parish Church Madonna della Grotta and Via Roma which is one the main arteries in the hearth of the municipality.Via Longo and Via Cristoforo Colombo are two other important avenues which from the core of the town both run towards north where is situated the Municipio,the Town Hall,while Via Turati is another relevant axis connecting the centre to the southern area of Praia a Mare parallel to coast and leading to the harbour facing the Isola di Dino.

The town ruled by different people during its history and because the Gulf of Policastro is very ample and forming a sort of wide door on the Mediterranean sea was in different periods fortified and today a group of towers are still visible dominating Praia a Mare.In the neighbourhood of Fiuzzi facing the Isola di Dino,there is on a rocky promontory a tower called Torre di Fiuzzi.

That building was originally a Spanish defencive tower built over a previous of French origin during the Angevin period.It is approximately 15 m high,erected on a rectangular plan,with massive protective walls of considerable thickness,the upper section of the construction  has a series of slits used by the guards as a point of sighting over the the gulf ,checking the attacks by sea.

It  is a classic structure, reminiscent of ancient defencive towers of Swabian and Norman fortresses, a watchtower developed in a very strategic point in front of another situated on the island of Dino,which together worked in a sort of defencive network always in contact with the traditional signals of smoke and fires used by Moorish,Spaniards and Marine Republics reminiscent of the first Torres Almenara used by the Arabs.

The Castello di Fiuzzi, (Castle of Fiuzzi) was another component of the defencive system.That fortress is situated on a hill surrounded by a typical Mediterranean vegetation,erected in 14th century,it consists in two high cylindrical towers with rectangular windows on the facades,he plant is a irregular square in which was built the central body flanked by massive crenellated walls.

The castle has a classical medieval shape,with strong Norman and Swabian influences just like the tower.At the entrance over the portal you can can see the noble coat of the House of Lords Aieta.Outside of the construction is situated a small Chapel, which is generally used for local celebrations.The Castello dsi Fiuzzi was for a period residence of the Bishopric of Tursi and for that purpose it was called by locals the Castello del Vescovo,the Bishop Castle.

Another fortification is the Fortino del Fumarulo,on a hill in proximity of the stream Fumarulo, today it  has a modern aspect after several restorations and architectonic  changes and modifications,it is more similar to  a white liberty building surrounded by a walled perimeter.

It was erected  by the Lords of Aieta in the 16th century.More recently of the other fortifications developed in Praia a Mare,it was originally built during a period in which the Saracen invasions were constant and frequent along the coasts of Calabria,Campania,Lucania and Sicily and integrated in the defencive system,,the strategic position on that high promontory was chosen for the wide view over a large part of the Gulf of Policastro.

The Museo Comunale is a great attraction if you are fond of art.That relevant museum displays a collection of Modern Art of Italian and Foreign Artists,the highlights of the exhibition are the relevant value of objects,small utensils and ceramic fragments dating back the neolithic period and of the Roman period furthermore there is a collection of artifacts from a Sanctuary the Santuario della Madonna della Grotta.

That sanctuary is the emblematic symbol of the town,historic,cultural and religious icon of Praia a Mare.the Santuario della Madonna della Grotta,the Sanctuary of the Virgin of the Grotto.Located inside a big cave keeping the image of the Saint Virgin Mary,it is an important pilgrimage for many people not only from Calabria.

The history of that site is very famous all around the region,in the 14th century an Ottoman boat with merchants was landing on the coast of Praia a Mare when in the proximity of the Isola di Di Dino the boat stopped.The Ottomans merchants talked to the Christian Captain of the boat who had with him a statue of the Virgin Mary to protect him during its trips on the sea.

The Muslim crew for superstition or believing in witchcraft believing that the statue of the Virgin was the cause of that unexpected stop,insulted and attacked the man asking him to throw the statue in the sea.The Captain convinced the Turkish merchants to leave the statue near the coast,the Turks accepted that request  he placed the image on a rock.The statue was found by a young mute shepherd who reached Praia a Mare from the hills of Aieta.

The shepherd returned to the village to inform with gestures the other inhabitants what he had found and by a miracle the pastor began to speak.The inhabitants of Aieta, believed in that miracle and they went to Praia a Mare where they carried the statue of the Madonna in the local Church of Aieta.The day after the statue disappeared from the Church, and it was rediscovered on that same rock.

As a result of that miracle,the Madonna della Grotta became Patroness of the town and each year in the is dedicated a feast, in devotion and celebrated a procession of the faithful by bringing the Madonna on the streets of Praia a Mare in august from the day 14 for three days there is a great feast with also fireworks and fires on the beach at night giving the place a very captivating image.

Many people from Basilicata,Campania,other parts of Calabria comes to participate to that event,there is a very lively atmosphere,the town is an explosion of coloured  passion and it is undoubtedly an event very relevant also for all that,that religious event and the popular tradition find in that period a meeting point where history,costumes,devotion and enthusiasm are a great combination,giving that resort in those dates a spectacular atmosphere.

Isola di Dino,the Dino Island is undoubtedly one of the most significant and relevant attractions of Praia a Mare for its history,its picturesque position facing the waterfront of the resort and its legends.Approximately 3,0 km long.he island is famous for its wonderful six suggestive natural grottoes,which is possible to visit from spring to early autumn by a boats or canoes rented directly in the Hotels you have chosen as accommodation.

The legend and the name of that island has ancient origins dating back the Greek colonisation period..The former Hellenic populations who settled the land  built on that island a small Aedina a temple dedicated to the Goodness of Love Venus.

Despite that exists another version which says that Aedina was in honour of another God called Leucotea which protected the sailors and navigators by storms and tempests and another one always linked to the sea,Gods and ancient Hellenic divinities in the period of the Megale Hellas links that temple dedicated to Castor son of the immortal Leda,the King of Sparta Tyndareus and the brother Pollux son of the same mother and of the God Zeus.

Those two figures were venerated as protectors during trips and to pray them to find the right winds to reach the destinations.There is furthermore another version connected to the marine spinning motions movements currents and vortex along that coast of the island,in the ancient Greek language the word Dina means Vortex and  from there the name of the island.

Apart history and legends which are always a very interesting,the beauty of this island are also its seabeds, seabeds,paradise for lovers of scuba diving for the natural beauty of its marine flora,corals and of course the inside of the six caves each with its own charm.The most important are the Grotta Azzurra and the Grotta del Leone.

The first is a just like a wonderful natural the name Grotta Azzurra,Blue Grotto is for the magnificent colour of the waters which form a natural  blue pool,where the waters are clean,crystalline reaching a deep of approximately 11,0/12,0 metres and where there is a rocky formation of unique stalagmites,it is really interesting to see inside that cave admiring how the power of the sea in contact with the rock what it can do.

A main highlight apart its interior which is rich of fish,in particular sea bream and sardines,the spectacular reflects and natural play of lights,is its access which is similar to a big mouth it is the biggest of the six sea caves,it is long about 70,0 metres and it is particularly loved by divers for its magnificent and immaculate sea bed.

The other one is the Grotta del Leone which is situated facing the beach,the name of that marine grotto translated means the Lion Cave,because inside there is inside a secular rocky formation depicting a figure similar to a lion lying,the interior of that cave is beautiful with marvellous emerald waters,the sea bed is very not very deep,just 5,0 metres,very loved by divers because inside in its seabed there is a presence of coral and from there,you can have a fantastic view towards the Fiuzzi Tower.

The Grotta delle Sardine which means Cave of the Sardines is so called for a big presence of that kind of fish,the seabed is approximately 10,0 metres deep is absolutely magnificent it is as a mirror,clean crystalline waters,the position of that cave is very special,situated in a picturesque inlet of the island,it is very loved by tourists and divers for that stupendous and scenic access and also it is among the six grottoes the most repaired by winds.

The Grotta del Monaco is very small but very suggestive,the name derives from a formation of the rock which gave origin to a figure similar to a Monk praying,despite its limited size and less sumptuous of the others it is loved for its spectacular turquoise waters,presence of marine fauna with a big variety of small fish and the charming reflects and lights.

The Grotta del Frontone,Cave of the big front is so called for its geographic position occupying the big front of the island,it has a spectacular access,inside the nature and the sea made a sort of natural masterpiece a sort of mosaic of sculptured stalagmites and stalactites,spectacular are the views of its walls and its limpid and azure seabed.The formation of that marine grotto is very special,the sea entering in contact with the rock generated sort of two channels flanked by natural rocky columns.

 The Grotta delle Cascate,Cave of the Waterfalls,so called for the formation of the rocks which form in its walls particular shapes similar to cascades of small light stalactites is very close to the Grotta del Frontone,
it is approximately 60,0 m long,its clean blue waters with the colour of the rocks and the sun rays penetrating in that cave are a highlight forming stupendous games of colours and lights and another highlight is that in a point if you look over you there is a special formation which as a natural masterpiece has formed a sort of inclined roof.

On the western side of that rocky island there is also another tower (previously mentioned) or better,it is a sort of a small fortress the Torre di Dino.It was built during the French Angevin period,developed on a  square plan with strong walls that construction hosted patrols of soldiers sent there to guard the coast, the outpost in order to stay in contact with the other tower,the Torre di Fiuzzi sending the first signals of alarm the same same system was also used under Spanish rule during during the reign of the Two Sicily.

The beach of Praia a Mare is absolutely outstanding,very long and spacious it reach a length of over 2,0 kms but continuing with spectacular coves and inlets at north  in direction of Tortora Marina,but also at south where the coast is also more than splendid towards Scalea.You can find along the beach pebbled and sandy sections,they have many facilities some Hotels are very closed to the beach which is mainly subdivided in two areas one corresponding to the area of Fiuzzi where there are several lidos and the other one along Lungomare Sirimaco.

The beauty of Praia a Mare,is its constant Blue Flag,crystalline waters and the Gulf is something special,its colours,the Mediterranean vegetation all around are a combination simply unique,the tourist can enjoy the beach and looking around the eye always find attractions,that is another special feature of that resort.

For who is fond about photography there are in that resort spectacular places,the area of the Parco Acquatico  with the nearest small harbour Acquatico in front of the Isola di Dino is special for the island facing the mainland on a magnificent promontory.From there you also have another fantastic view towards south,walking for about 600/700 metres after the extreme tip of the little port you can reach a sharp headland which form two small bays and in front of you another spectacular view visible towards south,the rocky headland of San Nicola Arcella,the view is very recommended and absolutely sublime.Very suggested if you are planning a stay in Praia a Mare to visit that town which is just 9,0 km from Praia a Mare,another unique and suggestive place.

Praia a Mare hosts important events,in summer an important appointment is the Festival of Ethnic Music,called Praia World Festival with artists coming  from several countries of the world,very suggested for people who wants to listen excellent performances with music from different continents and living a special time with sounds and music in a very vibrant atmosphere.

Another event is the Premio Sonora a special appointment which links music and cinema with the presence of  distinguished artists.Praia a Mare Con a further interesting appointment in calendar starting generally at the end of June but also with a winter edition in December,that event calls several poets,artists and philosophers of high national ranking,an ideal event for all people who love literature and poetry in all their essence.The celebration of the Festa Della Madonna della Grotta in August previously mentioned is obviously the super highlight in the town with those three days 14th,15th and 18th of August in which Praia a Mare is a festival of colours.

Praia Mare offers a multitude of activities its beautiful beach and coastline are the perfect place for everyone who loves water sports,such as diving and sailing.There are many chances to enjoy fantastic excursions in rural areas visiting the mounts of the Sila,a great place to enjoy a wild nature with stupendous mountainous plateaus with forests and small picturesque villages,many are the opportunities to taste the real gastronomy of the interior absolutely delicious and rich.

Another visit very suggested is that one to the Parco Nazionale del Pollino a paradise for its landscapes,flora and fauna with several species of plants and animals and  the regions of Basilicata and Campania are very close.

Cuisine in Praia a Mare reflects the traditional gastronomy of the Maritime and Mediterranean Calabria. One of the local specialities is the excellent the Baccalá alla Cosentina,fresh cod prepared with tomatoes, laurel,parsley,black olives,potatoes and pepper,or also Baccalá Fritto, fried cod with olive oil and flavoured with herbs and spices,there is always excellent seafood,mussels,prawns and squid,prepared in different styles,in Insalata Marinara,a salad of seafood,fried or in sauce.

 The pasta homemade of Calabria is absolutely great,famous the Fusilli,the Ciciari a kind of Tagliatelle cooked with chickpeas,garlic,onion,olive oil and spicy local chili.The Spaghitti Ca Muddicha are Spaghetti prepared with fresh anchovies,fried breadcrumbs,olive oil and spicy chili pepper.

A traditional plate of the interior of Cosenza is the Costolette d´Agnello,excellent lamb ribs cooked with tomato,pepper,onion,olive oil and olives and traditional the Soppressata Calabrese,a spicy sausages also used as snack,appetiser,it can also accompanies sauces,or eaten in a toasted bread with olive extra virgin oil.The famous Parmigiana di Melanzane is another traditional plate,a sort of lasagna but where the eggplants replace the pasta,highly varied is the production of cakes as the famous Scaliddre,Turdidriddi, ,Zeppole,Chinuliddre and Mostaccioli. 

The county of Cosenza has excellent grapes,the local vineyards favoured by a sublime mild climate and cultivated in ventilated plateaus produces smooth wines of excellent quality,ideal for excellent meals,they are kind of wines very appreciated by people who love to taste immediately in mouth flavour and aroma enduring after the first sip and the result is extremely positive,very palatable and aromatic.The Greco Bianco is one of the Elite of those wines,in the versions Spumante (Sparkling) and Passito.

There are many others of very high quality such as Guarnaccia,Gaglioppo,Aglianico,fine wines are also those produced by Magliocco and Mantonico both produce also a selected and versatile Rosé and furthermore very suggested are also the locals Merlot,Cabernet Sauvignon and Chardonnay.

The nearest Airport is the Lamezia Terme Sant´Eufemia Aeroporto situated at 132,0 km at south of the resort,in approximately two hours driving you can reach that destination along the coastal road Strada Statale SS18 in direction Paola,Maratea.

Praia a Mare is a wonderful destination,the colour of that coast is special,the reflects of the sun on its crystalline waters are something of simply unforgettable.

People in Praia a Mare as in all the region is great,very kind with a high sense of hospitality,the tourist and the visitor is sacred,Calabria is a wonderful big open door for a tourism offering endless treasures all to discover and enjoy and Praia a Mare is definitely part of that.

Francesco Mari

Recommended Accommodations in Praia a Mare

Hotel Resort & Spa Borgo di Fiuzzi
Hotel Garden
Hotel Rex
Hotel Residenza del Golfo
New Hotel Blue Eden

Recommended Restaurants in Praia a Mare

Ristorante Le Arcate
Ristorante La Scogliera
Ristorante Il Vecchio Frantoio
Ristorante La Casetta Bianca

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