Naantali-Finland | Thriving Tourism and a Holy Grail Mystery.

Naantali is well known all around Finland for its thriving tourism and a Holy Grail  mystery surrounding a famous medieval Church in that centre of the southwestern territory of the country in the Varsinais-Suomi region at the just 15,0 kilometres from the major centre of the district Turku and approximately 180,0 kilometres west from the capital of the Nation Helsinki.

Facing the huge Gulf of Botnia highlighted by the presence of a stupendous archipelago that town of 18,000 inhabitants is the third national port, well known to be the summer residence of the Finnish President in Kulturanta Castle established on  Luonnonmaa island part of the municipality since 1964

Developed on a surface of 311,50 square kilometres, the major part of its boundaries corresponds to  islands  largely covered by farmland and intact forests but the population mainly lives in the mainland on which were established the main residential agglomerations.
The main activities of Naantali are tourism, it boasts the biggest Spa Hotel of the entire Scandinavia, an important historic patrimony, a great theme park attractions, a notable cultural calendar with relevant festivals, events while other resources are linked to its harbour with an active mercantile, industry related to electricity and some companies devoted to oil refinery such as  Neste Oil and Fortum among others.

 The first impact with Naantali is extremely pleasant for the excellent preservation of its architectural environment, charming cobbled streets, captivating winding alleys,the size on human scale of its core is very compact highlighted by a very relaxing atmosphere and with many green areas.

 All those features are immediately a great attraction for the visitor  next a fascinating waterfront  with a unique maritime scenery, in different urban corners you will be delighted by  the presence of several panoramic view points towards scenic groups of picturesque small islands and islets  images very appealing  and another relevant aspect is the high sense of hospitality of the locals,very polite and extremely kind.

According to archaeological excavations were found in the municipal territory artifacts dating back the Bronze Age certifying that ancient populations settled that corner of Finland.

The most important stages of the local history started in medieval times during Swedish rule when the former settlement was called Nådendal deriving from the Latin Vallis Gratiae which translation means Valley of the Grace name of the Bridgettine Convent also called in that time  Nådendals kloster erected in the 15th century.

The charter was signed in 1443 by the iconic King Christopher also known as Christopher of Bavaria successor of the emblematic Eric of Pomerania who became  King Eric XIII of Sweden first Sovereign of the Union of Kalmar ruling that country, Denmark and Norway.

That Convent-Monastery since its elevation was  a notorious pilgrimage destination very popular an the importance of that Ecclesiastic complex increased its fame for events linked to legends and suppositions that it was the place where was hidden in a corner of its undergrounds the iconic Holy Grail.

Around that site  was also developed a small village with settlers mainly devoted to fishing and small trades and in a short time its strategic geographic position made the former Nådendal an active mercantile centre  with busy traffics coast to coast between Sweden and Finland.

The commerce was mainly concentrated in wheat, grain, cereals and other agricultural products,the Swedes established important maritime routes along that Finnish coastline including organising a notable commercial network with centres very active such as  Turku, Pori,Rauma, Vaasa, Kokkola among others.

An increasing colony of traders fixed there their residences in Naantali who generated a very flourishing hub and that place was titled as market town with a port which was day by day busier.

In the 16th century Finland lived an important religious reform when the major part of the population left the Christian Catholic religion embracing the Lutheran Protestant faith in the times of King Gustav I as known as Gustav Vasa identifying his noble family

nd due to that change which was pretty fast that famous Convent closed and stopped to receive pilgrims.

All that generated that many Swedish merchants moved in other important wealthy towns and Naantali suffered times of decline despite the  Monarch continued to encourage the navigation from that port which was for its strategic geographic position in the Gulf of Bothnia a very important cross road but becoming a sort of dock-stage in transit and all that endured until the mid of the 18th century. 

After those two centuries of decay  Nådendal obtained a toolgate controlling flows of numerous goods and there was a rebirth of the economy until 1809  when the Swedish influence after a long war against the Russian Empire with the lost of those territories after Treaty of Fredrikshamn signed on 17th September of the same year.

Finland became since then a Grand Duchy under Russian influence ruled by the Czar Alexander I and in that period the town despite was pretty famous was overshadowed by the nearest Turku which in the course of its history although in 1863 was founded a prestigious Spa Hotel with the first good signals in that tourism niche.

The Independence of the Scandinavian country took place in 1917 and in 1922 Kulturanta became the summer residence of the President of Finland.

Disputes with that big nearest country continued in the 2nd World War but not long time after that event  notable economical start-up with a progressive development culminated in the 50's represented the golden ages of Naantali in the contemporary era with the relaunch of an enlarged port, new mercantile activities and the opening of industrial companies which brought the town a very wealthty life.

Also the Tourism Industry had a relevant boom thanks to splendid beaches along the coast, a wonderful archipelago packed by uncontaminated islands,apart a superb historic and cultural patrimony linked to its ancient Monastery.

There was a revaluation with a promotion also concentrated to historic and cultural tourism next to an already developed Spa activity and all that combination consolidated the Finnish centre as an important destination.

The proximity of the very important city of Turku, a considerable ascent of the Tourism Cruise, new developed communications through the Capital Helsinki towards Russia Russia,included Naantali on important commercial and touristic routes and worth a mention that today the town is the first municipality for per capite income tax in the province of Southwest Finland and the second in the entire country.

 The town centre is mainly arranged behind its scenic Naantalin Satama the harbour and Mariankatu the first important street behind a huge green area where is situated the former Bridgettine Monastery.

On its sides start two main arteries called Kaivokatu and Tuulensuunkantu which are the municipal urban belts, the first situated at north and the second south of the harbour, while parallel to those two axes lie the pedestrian street Puistotie and Luostrarinkatu two strategic cross points in the heart of Naantali.

The town offers very interesting attractions and the most important historic is certainly Naantalin Kirkko,the Convent dedicated St. Birgitte, iconic symbol and landmark dominating from a low hill the port.

That seat was occupied since its elevation by the Bridgettine Order, a monastic religious order of Augustinians nuns founded by Saint Brigitta of Sweden in 1344 and approved by Pope Urban V in 1370.

That Sacred building was built between  1443 and 1462 year in which it was consecrated by the Bishop Konrad Bitz  and  those 19 years of works were also protagonists of different architectural embellishment of the the facades and the nave.

That Monastery during its history was also restored in different occasions for different reasons for deterioration and decay in particular after its closure as Catholic Church with some operations which took place in 1591.

The construction after the advent of the Lutheran Religion was modified in 1860 with an use of new materials due to some of the former were used to build houses and other local constructions  in the late 19th and 20th century.

In more contemporary times there were other works in 2005 with the finding of several items consisting in jewels, sacred  objects,coins and engraved stones.The last was between 2011 and 2012 by the architect Virpi Tervonen with the repair of the altar, interior windows, cleaning of vaults and walls.

The current building added to the medieval structure some Renaissance and Baroque elements as the impressive tower which is much younger of the rest of the main Ecclesiastic body and it was erected between 1794 and 1797.

That imposing stone construction  is surmounted by a polygonal dome and  topped by a sort of additional small turret with pinnacle of its summit encircled by a balcony surrounded by railings on  circular base and another element is a big white clock in a square section beneath it.

Under a long and wide sloping dark gray roof which perfectly reflects the traditional Nordic architectural canons for use of materials,tonallity and shape to protect the building by the weight of snow you will notice the presence of some splendid arched windows.

The interior is very sober with light walls but stupendous is the colonnade developed in perfect symmetry and the splendid vaults above a simple altar.The main highlights  are ta splendid Gothic Tabernacle,the relics collection of the former Nuns who inhabited that religious seat, some wooden sculptures as a statue of the Virgin Mary and a big Crucifix.
The legend of the famous Holy Grail, which according one of the historic suppositions is linked to the Sacred Christian scripts considering that item the chalice which contained the Jesus Christ blood despite there are other versions with a suggestive story surrounds that Monastery.

Those mysteries are still alive object of study with collection of historical dates, clues and pistes to follow with  indications of stages and all that is in the air with some alleged  evidences, supposed proofs, debates, controversial opinions, confirmations or denials which all together part of the history.

Some remote suppositions say that the chalice was transported in Naantali by Monks escorted by some Templar Knights and it was selected as place to protect because the Swedish Kingdom was a powerful Reign in the Middle Ages and that centre for geographic position was far by possible incursions by Moors.

That legend said that sacred object was  hidden in a secret crypt in the underground of the Convent and only the Bridgettine Nuns knew the exact place despite someone in the past made some researches trying to discover it.

The Holy Grail was not found in that town but the mystery continues to live there,for someone that Convent could be one of the indicated sites and also that is part of something of captivating but at the moment without results.

The history of that Sacred item  used in the last supper is also related to other histories which do not confirm it was that object, literature,religion and history often have generated different versions and histories,with different opinions,studies and declarations by eminent historians and experts with many theories and concepts.

Several cities and towns were mentioned in a route starting from the origin naturally in the holy land in Jerusalem moved later to the capital of the Roman  Byzantine Empire of Orient Constantinople,the current Istanbul.

 Fom there a piste led to a French town,Troyes, a centre in the Champagne-Ardennes region in  the northeastern of that country. A literary work written by a medieval poet, Chretiene de Troyes narrated in many details the Story of the Grail but  unforfunately unfinished because he died and many details in that time were closely linked of its presence in that place of France.

Since then after the death of that writer disappeared the traces or better started infinite controversial opinions rich of mysteries, appeared new places as potential sites preserving that Sacred object in a list which included Genoa, Barcelona, Valencia, Rome,  Assisi, and a French castle in Montsegur. (I wrote a post about that place)

All that is linked to histories related to a Marine Republic Marine as the case of Genoa for its services and loyalty to the Papal State including in the Holy Land ,the French Counts of Roussillon, in the case of Barcelona heirs of the Carolingian Dynasty paladins of the Christinanity, Stronghold of the Roman Church in the case of Rome with the Vatican  ,Monastic Orders as in the case of Assisi in Umbria with the Franciscan Order always active to preserve archives, documentations while Valencia is the most remote linked to the Kingdom of Aragon.

Including there are others in which it could be hidden, some pistes led to Scotland,Tuscany or in a small island close tho the English coast there are also someone said it crossed the ocean and it could be in Canada, hypothesis are also linked to other sites as Iran or Albania,the mystery is largely open and Naantali that Finnish town is also part of that list.

Nobody knows at the moment who moved that object, Templar Knights, Monks, Friars, Counts, Popes, Kings,Counts,Cathars or others.That enigma which embraces several sites including Naantalin Kirkko continues enchanting many people fond of history.

 In the centre of the town in the street Kathinanta at the civic number one you can see Naantali Museum also called Hillola Museum inaugurated in 1920 and situated at a very short distance from the harbour.

That exhibition is unusual because it displays a great representation of the life in a small town of Finland in the 19th century arranged on two wooden houses called Hillola and Sau-Kallio containing lovely gardens and an environment reminding where the local craftsmen lived and they are  located in their former and original places next to market square and the Town Hall.

Next to Hillola House there is another one called Humppi which was used for different purposes and themes and in recent times it hosts the history of the ancient Monastery with a miniature replica of the 15th century and the history of the Naantali.

In addition it contains information about the archaeological findings discovered in the local boundaries, a very interesting place to know more about the culture, the history of that place and next you can see the Museum Shop Sasonski.

A very scenic place is Naantalin Satama, the harbour dominated by the scenic view of that iconic Sacred construction, a  very charming place with a fascinating waterfront on the Baltic Sea and also important meeting point of locals and tourists.

In its proximity there are restaurants and cafes with a pleasant promenade ideal hallway for lovely walks and at evening ideal site to breathe the cool Nordic breeze admiring fantastic panoramic views also in presence of artificial views.

A beautiful view point I suggest you is along Nunnakatu street reaching a a beautiful  promontory of the town situated about 600,0 metres from the port and in that place you will have a spectacular sight with three small islands aligned in front of you such as Jakoluoto, Hippo and Kailo with a further great image consisting in the headland of Luonnomaa Island.Another special one is along Rantakatu an artery starting on the left of the pier and from there you can have fantastic views of the entire bay.

The town faces a beautiful archipelago and one of the most important islands is absolutely Luonnomaa greatly covered by big green forests and very famous to be the official summer residence of the Finnish President who enjoys that stunning place since 1922 in the famous Kultaranta Castle a magnificent palace which name means golden beach.

Kultaranta Residence is an impressive and charming granite manor house facing the Bay of Naamtinlathi encircled by a huge verdant park covering a surface of 560,000 square metres erected in 1914 for a rich enterpreneur, businessman and philantrophist called Alfred Koedelin.

That superb work was by the architect Lars Sonck, a prominent figure who also made other great masterpieces in Helsinki, Turku and including he designed the Cathedtal of Tampere and Sibelius home in Ainola amomg others.

Developed on huge rectangular plan with a superb high front side, many windows inserted in its layout and a scenic tower surmounted by a trunked irregular domed roof.The interior is a glitzy setting highlighted by stupendous marble steps, stylish guest rooms, elegant reception halls and private apartments used by the Statesman. 

The beauty of that place apart that majestic construction is also the marvellous Medaljonki a large ornate garden with over 3,500 roses and many other flowers combined with the presence of greenhouses, flowerbeds and other large gardened spaces. 

For its stunning beauty it is considered a sort of little Versailles and one of the best preserved and charming sites country and the Tourism Board of Naantali organises guided tours of that wonderful garden.

On a fantastic peninsula you can also admire another attractions the famous Naantali Spa,the biggest of Finland and Scandinavia founded in 1863, historically it hosted eminent figures among them the Russian Czars. 

With a marvellous waterfront boasting striking  views towards the sea it is inserted in the top 100 list of Best Spas in the world and in the highest ranking of Royal Spas in Europe. It provides all the comforts for a great stay but also all the services and facilities to plan Congresses, Conventions, Meetings and it is also a great chance to enjoy many trendy therapies and treatments.

Ther thriving tourism of Naantali offers on another Island called Kailo a very pleasant attraction called Muumimaailma, an Amusement Park opened in 1993 which certainly increased the incoming flows in the town.

It was created by the writer and novelist Tove Jansson very famous for her works for Finnish but also for Swedish children. Born in Helsinki but culturally  of Swedish heritage carrying her studies in Stockholm, that artist perfectly reproduced the history of her characters,the Moomins.

All around that attractions park you can see the stronghold of the Pirates,the Valley of the Moomins,the Fayrytale path,the Theatre Emma, stories and memories by Jansson creations such as the houses of those characters,Stinky,Tiky, Sniff and much more..

Muumimaailma pays tribute to a great author who conquered the children and Naantali with honour and pride hosts that very lovely  and enjoyable theme park considered an more than outstanding landmark in its kind.

That site has the advantage to be combined with a cruise of the archipelago, great as  excursion for family with children, ideal for junior schools but also for adults and mature people who want to have fun discovering something different filling a day in a different way.

Worth a mention that complex was awarded in 2005 as the best fourth theme park for children in the world by The Independent and in 2007 it obtained the Golden Pony Award by the magazine The Games & Parks Industry.

Tourism Cruise is definitely an important resource in Naantali. Thanks to that vast archipelago in common with Turku,the company S/S Ukkopeka managing the traffic boats and ferries is one of the great engine in that kind of tourism branch transporting thousands and thousands of people every year discovering the beauty of those magnificent Finnish islands.

There is in addition to all that also a very charming service consisting in a old steamship boat covering the trip from Naantali to Turku and returning to the town. It is a great way to enjoy a revival aboard a vintage ship sailing across the Gulf of Bothnia admiring the beautiful images the southwestern coast of Finland offers in all its splendour.

The popularity of Naantali reaches all the country also for its rich calendar of important events. Naantali Music Festival is celebrated every year in June with a considerable participation and the Carnival in July is a historic event well known all around the Nation.

Choosing that destination also means to have the chance to enjoy several outdoor activities with a big variety of opportunities such as beautiful walks in its green and uncontaminated forests and along its beaches where the visitor can also practise water sports as sailing, rowing, swimming and also fishing.

For Golf lovers there are splendid complexes such as Aurinko Golf Club,Kultaranta Resort and in the area of the neighbourhood of Rynmattyla there are also excellent chances to enjoy that trendy sport.

Cycling is another one with splendid routes, for those who love photography that Scandinavian area  is packed by spectacular places of immense natural beauty with a virgin woodland and the the Baltic at sunset at that latitude offering special colours and reflections of immense charm.

Cuisine in Naantali is loyal to the oldests Finnish gastronomical traditions The national plate and famous Kalakukko is present in many restaurants, excellent fish in particular smoked salmon called Kylmäsavustettu is one of the great traditional specialities.

Very popular is the Savusilli consisting in smoked herrings served as snack,appetisers or part of a buffet meal, a further delight is  trout cooked in different styles a product of very high reputation the Finnish cuisine.

Try the delicious  Kinkku,a kind of delicious ham with a very delicate taste while the Makkara is a kind of pork sausage well known all around the Nation. As in the other Scandinavian countries the reindeer meat also in Finland is part of the local culinary traditions as well as different excellent pork and beef casseroles.
Other typical plates are the Lihapullat, meat balls cooked with a a gravy sauce, very famous is the Perunnamusi a salted mashed potato accompanying different dishes and  the  Puuro, a sort of porridge prepared in different styles.

Finland is rich of lingoberries,bilberries and raspberries used in several pastry and bakery products including used for delicious homemade jams. Notable is a wide selection of excellent cheeses as the famous Lejpajuusto and about drinks you can taste cool Finnish beers apart liquors of high quality as superb brands of Vodka.

Turku Turun Lentoasema Airport is the nearest airport situated at just 19,0 km of distance from Naantali driving along the Motorway E18 in approximately 20/25 minutes you will be at reach that town  while Helsinki Vantaa Airport is situated 185,0 km east of the town and from there in two hours you can reach the town.

If you are planning to visit Finland,Naantali the thriving tourism in that place will surprise you, its islands, a stunning history,magnificent landscapes, a beautiful country with a natural intact environment, a shining gem representing with all its magic appeal the true fascination of that wonderful land.

Francesco Mari

Recommended Hotels in Naantali

Hotel Naantali Klyplya Spa
Kulturanta Golf Resort

Recommened Restaurants in Naantali

Restaurant Kala-Trappi
Restaurant Uusi Kilta
Restaurant Le Soleil

Useful links

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