Rhêmes-Notre-Dame-Italy | Marvellous Picture of the Wildest Aosta Valley.

Rhêmes-Notre-Dame is definitely one of the most scenic, attractive and best places to enjoy in the Western Alps of Italy a marvellous picture of the wildest Aosta Valley , a magnificent region enclosed among Piedmont , France and Switzerland of an outstanding beauty totally encircled by majestic and towering peaks offering the superb chance to breathe in that paradise the magic atmosphere of a magnificent Alpine in a more than splendid destination.

Unique landscapes, a beautiful uncontaminated virgin nature with a stunning crown of high mountains  surrounding picturesque centres and remote fascinating hamlets are some of the several magnificent attractions in an endless list of other beautiful things, a site which always enchants  the visitors at first sight who are impatient start to discover that Eden of a wonderful territory created to transmit special feelings and sensations.

Situated in a small valley called Val Di Rhêmes at an altitude of 1723, 0 metres that splendid centre is the southernmost municipality of the Val D´Aosta at just 32, 0 kilometres from its capita,l Aosta , beautiful important city with a notable ancient past during the times of the Roman Empire in direction of the iconic Val D´Isère and at a short distance from the enchanting Plan D´Introd the gateway to another beautiful valley, the picturesque Valsavarenche located at the foot of the imposing silhouette of the Massif De Grand Paradis

The municipality is formed by very tiny hamlets scattered along the entire mountainous of its boundaries such as Chanavey, Pellaud, Carré, Chaudanne, Artalle, Pont, Thumel, Oreiller, Brenand and Bruil, the latter is the major and most important neighbourhood of the town, all them boasting an immense fascination, greatly conserved and keeping their own cultural identity.

A great feature of that marvel is its intact image thanks to a very clever plan of preservation of the local Institutions very sensitive in Aosta Valley to keep and save the natural patrimony
and able to conserve a superb environment without massive constructions consisting in enormous Hotels or peculiar big buildings which could ruin an outstanding and divine image continuing to delight a multitude of tourists.

It is always great to see and admire how  that territory has magnificently kept apart its wonderful natural aspect largely untouched also its historic architecture patrimon very well preserved with  small agglomerations formed by typical Alpine stoned houses many of them embellished by fine wooden details inserted in facades, balconies, porticoes ans in the layout of annexed constructions, a stupendous detail part of a wonderful frame and that is also a beautiful post card of that marvellous region of Italy.

With its approximately 130 official inhabitants that enchanting site is something unique in its kind for all what there is inside and around its municipal boundaries dominated by scenic heights such as the Grande Rousse, Granta Parey, Cima Tabtelaine and the Becca De la Traversière which all together form a majestic crown offering unforgettable views transmit and donating that territory a magic appeal.

 An additional magnificent highlight is the stunning presence of the wild course of the Dora river Dora which in some points forms waterfalls, drops, rapids and gorges of immense beauty flanked by high vertical rocky walls and intact forests of pines and firs bewitching the visitor in a while who is immediately impressed to see that spectacular nature show and with the desire to admire it from different perspectives.

 That unforgettable scenery in a land extremely loved by climbers and  trekkers who found there a perfect destination for their favourite activities is also why that place is a great choice of stay for all people who love the Alps in all its magic essence and since a long time ago fabulous heaven for visitors who love nature, flora and fauna because Rhêmes-Notre-Dame is absolutely an Eden about all that, a destination to choose without hesitation all year.

For who is a passionate fan of photography, many are the opportunities to immortalise in an endless succession of striking images a myriad of marvellous photos  which could be protagonists in every Tourism Fair or exhibitions as landmark of stands with giant posters or wallpapers or simply in a wonderful album dedicated to the beauty of that Alpine jewel representing the marvellous picture of the wildest Aosta Valley to keep alive in your more than pleasant memories.

Many are the opportunities for all people fond of winter sports, Rhêmes-Notre-Dame has its excellent slopes to practise Alpine Ski and it is a superb destination for all those that are fervent fans of Nordic and Mountaineering Ski and in addition of Ski adventure with many kilometres to practise those activities across virgin forests with trails developed on the high plateaus overlooking the villages and the scenic descent of the local waterway which is also a great option for fishing lovers.

Cycling on road and mountain bike are other highlights, outdoor activies which find in that territory territory a more than appropriate habitat with challenging climbs with an ample variety of ascents boasting different coefficients of difficulty, extraordinary mixed and dirt routes developed in a fairytale environment.

For the visitors searching relaxation and tranquillity Rhêmes-Notre-Dame is a marvellous oasis of peace and serenity, no traffic and noise and that is immediately greatly appreciated just like a total absence of contamination which makes that centre of the Aosta Valley also stupendous climatic resort.

The local Gastronomy is certainly something else which will delight you, absolutely excellent with a strong identity but also with some influences from the nearest Piedmont and France and that made the culinary art developed in the territory is rich of an ample variety of flavours.

It consists in a cuisine with delectable homemade recipes boasting a secular history and local activities as in the past continue to be related to pasture and cattle breeding and some inhabitants loyal to the oldest traditions continue to produce superb cheeses and butter playing an important role in the autochtone gastronomy.

The very kind locals with a high sense of hospitality is another wonderful aspect to take in high destination delighting the visitor in a while finding people always ready to welcome the visitor in the best way.

Rhêmes-Notre- Dame is a great point and base for radial excursions of extreme interest, the city of Turin, third Italian centre and former capital of the Reign of Italy during the times of the Savoy House well known for its its immense historic patrimony is just two hours driving away while Aosta, a diamond of Roman and Medieval art is only 50 minutes driving from that centre and all that is a special incentive for those who have the desire to plan specific cultural itineraries with the chance to visit two stunning cities.

The municipality is also part of the Parco Nazionale del Gran Paradiso, one of the best Alpine protected parks of the entire Alpine arch established in 1922 and also that is a great attraction to visit it during your stay discovering places simply stupendous with other special routes entering in other stupendous valleys of the region scattered around that unique attraction.

Notable are also the chances to reach in a very short time the nearest France via two magnificent resorts who are a must to be visited as Morgex and La Thuile and from the latter starts a fantastic hallway leading to the beautiful centre of Montvalenzan entering in the fabulous territory of the Savoie Department.

In that area you will have the great opportunity to admire the Reserve Naturelle des Hauts de Villaroger, a stunning nature parkland simply stupendous for its striking images and at the foot of the scenic Mount Pourri, a peak which with its presence shows the wildest fascination of the western Alpine chain  also in that French Alpine corner.

Another itinerary I strongly recommend is that one leading to the emblematic resort of Courmayeur which is just 45 minutes away and once there you are facing the giant of the Alps, the majestic Mont Blanc crossing from there the iconic Tunnel leading to another prestigious French site the wonderful Chamonix, popular ski resort with a renowned international fame.

The local inhabitants are trilingual and they fluently speak Italian, French and the Patois Valdôtaine, very similar to that one spoken in the French Haute Savoy, very common in other Alpine communities of Piedmont.

The morphology of the Patois  is related to a specific branch of old  Franco-Provençal language a vernacular linguistic expression which includes the  Occitan linked to that dialect which in the course of the history has had strong local influences absorbing many Latin words and partially changing the former with other words taken by the classical contemporary Italian.

The difference with the traditional and modern French is in sounds, accent and declination of the verbs although there are many grammatical roots very similar and it is a language easily understandable by Francophone people or with a solid skills of that language.

The Patois is characterised by some changes in vocals at the final of words and a clear example is the denomination of Rhêmes-Notre-Dame typically Francophone translated in the local form is Remá-Noutra-Dama and a historic detail is that the original name of that centre is Noutra Dama de-Remá.

That ancient French Provençal also classified and denominated Arpitane and the use of French in the communication are deeply rooted since many centuries ago due to strong cultural interchanges also due to a geographical proximity.

Since many centuries ago several merchants coming from different points of the Aosta Valley which is also a bilingual Region used without problems in the relationships with the French traders of the nearest Savoie the Patois Valdôtaine and those intense and continuous commercial contacts generated in many cases a linguistic unitary link.  

The local history of that land is very ancient with local settlers related to tribes of Gallic- Celtic origin mainly devoted to pasture, agriculture and farms in a terrritory which was historically part of the future Gallia Cisalpina, that vast Gaul land created by the Roman colonisation when that area was occupied by the legions of the Imperial Rome during the campaign in the current France.

Since medieval time until the 17th century the current centre was part of the nearest Rhêmes-Saint-Georges and they had a common former Parish Church built in 1650 and consecrated by the Vicar Vercellin.

The history of both was always linked to local landlords later entering in the sphere of  the Duchy of Savoy who incorporated those territories in the Kingdom of Piedmont and Sardinia and afterwards in the new Reign of Italy in the 19th century after the operations of reunification across all the Italian Peninsula ended in 1860.

The two villages historically had a separation and they crossed their history once again in 1928 during the reforms of the Dictator Benito Mussolini who linked those two centres in a unique town which was called Val di Rema for reasons related to a massive italianisation of the French denominations of several municipalities of the Aosta Valley focused to give a more national identity.

After the 2nd War the two communities for desire of the inhabitants and living the new era of the Italian Republic returned to their former administrative Institutions coming back to be autonomic municipalities and in 1946 they retook their old Francophone names.

The town is developed with all its frazioni, the municipal neighbourhoods along the Strada Regionale SR24, the regional road which is the main access and exit of that centre and crossed by the river Dora di Rhêmes also called in French Doire de Rhêmes. That waterway has its source at 2700, 0 metres of altitude and formed by different small Alpine streams coming from various glaciers such as the Lavvassey,  Du Fond,  Tsanteleina and  Sotzes.

That watercourse after crossing Rhêmes-Saint-Georges and Introd embraces the river Savara which flows in the nearest Valsaverenche and they meet each other in proximity of the centre of Villeneuve situated further north in proximity of the Motorway A5 Turin-Aosta, a pleasant small town famous for the rests of the iconic medieval castle Châtel-Argent and the Tour Colin, an emblematic watchtower erected in the Middle Ages situated at the entrance of the municipality. That centre is addition well known because in its boundaries was established a big dam with a power plant called Champagne 1 managed by the CVA, the company of waters of the Aosta Valley with seat at Chatillon.

Bruil is the most important neighbourhood of  Rhêmes-Notre-Dame highlighted by a compact agglomeration mainly arranged around the Chiesa Parrocchiale Della Visitazione dedicated to the Virgin Mary of Visitation consisting in the official Parish Church and the village celebrates in honour of the Patroness a feast which takes place every year on 2nd July.

You can start the visit from that Sacred building which was originally elevated on a previous Religious construction and in the course of its history was several times restored and modified.The structure you can see today is a construction developed on a rectangular plan and the main architectural body has a Latin cross plan with two arcades in proximity of the transept. 

Notable is the great composition of a double roof, one less high than the other and both developed adjacent to the splendid bell tower which reflects the traditional Religious local Alpine architecture elevated on a square base with on its facade fine mullioned windows and highlighted by a square section surmounted by a charming conical gray spire placed above a charming belfry. 

That construction was almost totally rebuilt in the 17th century and just like the Church it was also founded over a previous structure.In the 19th century the Chiesa della Visitazione had a further change and it was enlarged because considered too small for the community. After the offical consecration it was painted by an artist from Piedmont called Stornone D´Ivrea, an artist who also worked in Turin and very active all around the Aosta Valley, a famed master of those times regarding Neo-Baroque frescoes pretty talented in the execution of fine perspectives and well defined human shapes.

The marble altarpiece is definitely one of the major attraction, splendid are also the decorations and the paintings on the ceiling, a fine dome above the apse and in addition you can also admire as further highlights a stupendous organ and a relevant carved wooden balustrade.

A precious object of that Church was a magnificent crystal Cross dated 14th century considered a gem of art of the Middle Ages in the region which is today displayed in the famous Museo della Cattedrale di Aosta, the Sacred Museum of the Cathedral of that city considered among the finest works of the entire collection.

The Casa Parrocchiale, the Parish House is another emblematic local historic symbol dating back the 17th century. That building has kept the typical traditional style and aspect of a true and original Maison Valdotainne, the traditional former houses erected in that land.

Just like the Church the roof was arranged with an appropriate inclination to protect the building by avalanches permitting the downloading mass of snow in a specific point on one side  falling on the soil near the structure avoiding the risk of the weight generated by the accumulation could damage or break the building.

There are other historic monuments in the municipality as the Chapelle de Carré a small shrine dedicated to St. Anne erected in the 17th century and restored in the 19th century, a votive destination of many locals since a long time ago.

A further one is the Chapelle de Pellaud, a Chapel dedicated to the Saints Sebastian, Fabian and Roque and it is younger than the previous because it was built in the 19th century. It was established to replace a former one dating back the 17th century which was totally destroyed by an inundation of the river Dora and it was dedicated to the same Saints and the current you can see nowadays was elevated on the other shore of the waterway.

The Lac du Pellaud is another beautiful attraction and highlight of the municipality, a very recommended excursion to enjoy the beauty of that typical Alpine Lake situated at 1810, 0 metres of altitude and highly suggested for its fairytale environment. Highlighted by uncontaminated and clear waters it is surrounded by larch and firs forests larches and all around that basin you will delighted by the images of towering peaks give that scenic waters basin a magnificent appeal

Despite its reduced size of 0.019 square kilometres it is one of the most photographed natural attractions of Rhêmes-Notre-Dame, in its proximity is situated a Chalet which is also a comfortable accommodation, some benches and tables for pic-nics, ideal place for fasmilies and group of friends who can enjoy a pleasant break during the visit of that little corner of paradise. 

Descending from the centre of Bruil in a walk of approximately 15 minutes along the road Strada Regionale immediately after a wooden bridge crossing the Dora River and walking along its shore you will have the opportunities to admire beautiful curves and gorges formed by the wild course of that watercourse..

Continuing for approximately 1, 5 kilometres you will enjoy a stunning view of a couple of vertical rocky walls beneath an intact forest and some waterfalls, that is a marvellous picture of the wildest Aosta Valley which also shows its superb fascination in places as Rhêmes-Notre-Dame, a shining jewel full of natural attractions like those, extremely surprising for a visitor facing natural wonders to be remembered for a long time .Apart its entire scenic course in that enchanting land that stream is also rich of trout so fishing is another very interesting outdoor activity practised along its shores.

The conformation of the valley is very particular and special, at the foot of the Gran Paradiso Massif it follows the shape of the Dora which at the beginning is very narrow and you will notice there how the water current is impetuous running between impervious and high rocky walls.Then it has some splendid opening forming larger natural spaces  and in its low section is wider next to the village towards the two giants and symbols of Rhêmes-Notre-Dame the Granta Parey and the Grande Rousse.

In the hamlet of Artalle you you can find another natural local gem consisting in a magnificent wide larch forest considered a patrimony of the entire valley because those trees are of a secular age.In that area is also possible to see frequently several marmots and chamois and it is a place very loved by trekkers.

To learn more about the local territory coming totally inside the culture and life of that Eden is highly interesting to reach the Visitor Centre of the National Park of the Gran Paradiso, a way to know better the history of that famous naturereserve, a wonderful diamond of that region and the Alps.

That complex displays documentations and illustrative sections regarding all the species of birds existing in that land, from eagles to falcons, detailed information where about the concrete places where they live, including a series of pictures, maps and everything you want to know about avi fauna in the Alps. Including you can discover many routes and the major points of attraction, for all that it is considered one of the most interesting, complete and splendid centres in the parks established in the Western Alpine area.  

Many are the excursions for trekkers who decide to enjoy a stay in the Val di Rhêmes well known to be a relevant point of transit along the famous Regional Route 2 linking that stunning territory to the that at the foot of the Mon Blanc, the white mountain, father and giant of the Alps reaching the stunning resort of Courmayeur at the foot of that majestic peak and other great trails leading to very interesting towns as the fascinating Champorcher, a renowned winter sport resort. (if you are interested I wrote a post about that resort)

From the municipality also start several paths and one which is absolutely beautiful is that leading to the Grande Rousse at 3,607 metres of altitude, a mountain which is considered for its stupendous shape one of the most scenic peaks of the Graian Alps.

Along that trail you can meet an intermediate and picturesque verdant plateau and from there the path starts to be steeper reaching the first vertical wall of that majestic peak which shows from there a wonderful image.The summit is similar to a sharp high pyramid flanked by some picturesque rocky spurs sections around its fabulous glacier, an extraordinary image to immortalise in hundreds of pictures. That mount in addition is very famous because it marks the border between the Val di Rhêmes and the Valgrisenche and it is a destination pretty apappreciated by numerous climbers.

Another splendid trail is that to the imposing Granta Parey also called in local Patois Grande Paroi which with its 3,387 metres of altitude is another special highlight of immense fascination.Its silhouette perhaps it is less impressive than the previous mount but equally charming characterised by a larger top section with a spectacular undulating glacier and a suggestive natural niche located in proximity of the last rocky wall.

The stunning excursion to reach that summit endures approximately three hours for people with good legs and it has an intermediate stop at the Rifugio Benevolo, a wonderful Alpine Refuge located at 2287, 0 metres of altitude following a fabulous trail starting from the hamlet of Thumel.

During that marvellous itinerary you will have the chance to cross a stunning natural Eden starting from a verdant picturesque high plateau flanked by scenic scattered pine trees with the opportunity to admire the wild course of a stream called Goletta with its striking waterfalls, a superb drop falling between two magnificent wild mountainous sections and once reached that place you will be beneath the previously mentioned Granta Parey.

The path during the ascent is very captivating, you will admire verdant plateaus, pastures, wild magnificent shaped gorges and a chain of other peaks absolutely amazing. That mountain is situated at the bottom of the local valley and it is very close to the French border, climbed for the first time in 1863, five years before of the La Grande Rousse.

Another spectacular excursion is that to the Becca de La Traversiere at an altitude of 3,337 metres and once there you can admire unforgettable panoramic views with long plowed rocky channels beneath fabulous Alpine crests.That place is a very recommended site for photographers and for lovers of the high mountain and beloved by experienced climbers thanks to the presence of very steep and challenging sections ideal for that kind of activity.

In proximity of Rhêmes-Notre-Dame you can also reach other magnificent wild places and full of natural attractions such as the Valgrisenche which is also a municipality with the same name situated at an altitude of 1664, 0 metres. That site is very loved by climbers and in winter season is a Mecca for people fond about. Ski Cross Country and Ski Adventure.

I suggest you to visit that place for its beautiful scenery and very attractive but also for the local architecture with many charming houses built in stone with fine timber details in their layouts.Once there you can also admire the Chiesa Parrocchiale, a Church dating back the 19th century rebuilt of a previous of medieval origin but keeping of that former Religious structure a beautiful stoned bell tower erected in 1417 characterised by a stylish charming belfry and a very scenic pyramidal roof.

If you love cheese that place is one of the best for the production of the iconic Fontina and you can buy it there, a product of high reputation also used for the preparation of delicious recipes and sauces.

At 1770, 0 metres of altitude in that place you can admire the Lago di Beauregard, it is an artificial basin created by a dam in 1957 to develop a power plant and it is one of the biggest of the region surrounded by wonderful forests. 

Another place very attractive is Valsavarenche, a small centre with some scattered hamlets  situated at 1541, 0 metres of altitude and giving its name to the local valley. In that site you can find another Visitor Centre of the National Park of Gran Paradiso and that place has corners of an absolute beauty offering other unforgettable images of the Region Valle D´Aosta with an environment totally preserved.

In its boundaries there are a couple of interesting museums, one of them is the Museo Etnografico, an Ethnographic exhibition very interesting to know the history and of that very attractive land and another one is the Museo della Resistenza devoted to remember the partisan struggle in the territory during the times of the 2nd World War.

From the Val di Rhêmes you can also start routes leading to the French Alps reaching the beautiful and wild Vallée Tarentaise well known for its enchanting intact environment highlighted by an authentic little gem consisting in a small Alpine village called Saint Foy showing all around its boundaries wide green pastures and surrounded by majestic mountains.

That small centre is situated on the right shore of the Haute Isére approximately at 20, 0 kilometres from the Italian border and it is a relevant stage to reach the famous Val D´Isére very popular for its stunning Alpine ski slopes. Once there you can have great images of two beautiful peaks such as the Mount Pourri and La Grande Sassière.

That small centre despite its size is a well organised Ski resort with the chance to practise Alpine Ski and snowboarding thanks to the presence of 15 slopes and 4 services of chairlifts and off the pistes it is also possible to enjoy Nordic and Adventure Ski.

All those excursions are great in spring and summer, offering the chance to discover many unforgettable sites, a relevant fauna consisting in a multitude of species of birds but also marmots, chamois, ibex and furthermore a rich marvellous Alpine flora.

In spring, summer and also autumn that valley are a great destination for cycling and mountain bike thanks to its several routes and dirt trails. The climb leading to Bruil is very challenging,all around there are some ascent ranging 13%- 14% and for the mountain bikers many chances to find spectacular sections around the hamlets of Carré and Thumel with routes very attractive and mixed trails simply spectacular.

The incentive to choose that place as tourist destination all year it is mainly suggested for its peaceful atmosphere and the tourist can reach that corner of Aosta Valley to practise also Alpine and Nordic Ski Nordic Ski in winter without risks to find big queues and traffic as in other famous resorts.

In the hamlet of Chanavey there is the Snow Park with over 5, 0 km of pistes ideal for beginners intermediate skiers and Masters. It is a small place but with tracks in some points very challenging also appropriate for the more experienced with some bends and steep straights similar to the tracks you can find in the resorts at the foot Monte Rosa. In addition the visitor can also take lessons of Snowboard thanks the presence of experts about that trendy speciality.

That town offers over 20, 0 kilometres of slopes to enjoy Ski Cross Country on magnificent paths crossing beautiful Alpine forests of that valley and it provides its Alpine Ski School with Professional Ski Masters and also good masters teaching the freestyle and Telemark styles. 

Another beautiful activity on the snow the town offers is to practise Mountaineering Ski with several excursions skiing in splendid places outside the slopes reaching the Alpine Refuge of Benevolo and other areas part of the Gran Paradiso National Park something really beautiful for those love that kind of activity.

The local cuisine is another superb highlight, offering a gastronomy very complete with recipes with a long culinary history and more than appreciated by many visitors who fall in love with the flavours of a long list of deligthful homemade plates.

Simply superb are the local cheeses such as the delicious Toma and the previously cited Fontina so famous for their excellent quality and often present in local plates, used as ingredients in the famous Fondue Valdotainne served with fragrant Crostini bread or present in assorted starters and varied appetisers.

Other cheeses of high level are the Reblec, Séras, Fromadzo DOP and the very tastefully Salignoùn a sort of spicy ricotta. Another sublime product of the Region is a superlative butter, genuine and of supreme quality ideal for sauces, cakes, spread on toasted bread and highly suggested in the most refined Haute Cuisine for its soft and delicate taste.

The notorious Fontina is a basic and fundamental ingredient in the Polenta Concia, a recipe in which that delicious dairy product is melted on that yellow food enriched also by a large quantity of fresh butter and also highlighting the preparation of the Lasagna alla Valdostana made with homemade pasta, butter, eggs, sage, salt, tomato, white pepper and salt.

The Seupette de Cogne is another popular dish consisting in a soup prepared with rice, stock, fontina cheese and bread fried with butter while the Seuppe Vallpellinence is another famed speciality, a traditional minestra including butter, fontina cabbage, pepper, cinnamon, bread, salty lard and salt, a plate very common also in  the nearest Piedmont.

In the area there is also an excellent production of sausages and the typical Boudin made by blood pork but with other variants in which  preparation are added boiled potatoes and beetroot adding spices and they are ideal for snacks and appetisers accompanied by toasted or rye bread. 

Very appreciated is also the famed Motsette, a kind of ibex ham but also present with the same name using goat or lamb meats and  the supreme Dzambon a  traditional tastefully ham of the region is a further delight. You can also try the tastefully Saouseusse, a traditional salami of the region produced with beef and pork meats adding pepper and spices.

Next to the several of meat and vegetables soups often present on the local tables another exquisite plate is the famed Carbonade very similar to the French.The Civet de Chamois is a more than appreciated delight, a chamois meat casserole seasoned with thyme, sage, parsley, laurel, garlic, onion and carrots adding butter, pepper, salt, olive oil, and a good quantity of red wine and it is very common to be accompanied by polenta.

The list of cakes and desserts is very ample. In the region there is an excellent production of honey and very famous are the delicious biscuits called Tegole while the Lou Mécoulin is the regional version of the famous Panettone.

The famed Dolce di Ricotta is a classical local dessert using that cheese as main ingredient and superb is the Creme de Cogne prepared with lemon, cocoa, sugar, eggs, milk and cream. The Rissili is another sweet highlight, a cake very aromatic which in its preparation includes butter, flour, sugar,  eggs, oil, lemon skin and a good quantity of white wine.

 Val D´Aosta also produces excellent fine wines such as Pinot Noir, Pinot Gris, Chardonnay, Nus, Petit Rouge, Fumin, Chambave, Donnas among others. The selected red wines are very palatable, smooth, highly versatile with body and for texture and boasting a superb taste pretty similar due to the origin of the grapes to the great wines of the French Haute Savoie.

The fine whites are very appreciated for their classy taste at the first sip they are very fresh and savoury, a good dry white wine of that area is equally superb accompanying fish or  starters and furthermore very appreciated in the preparation of plates such as a Risotto or flavouring a special sauce.

About other beverages try the typical Genepy another regional pride, a traditional herbs liquor. Very famous is the Vin Brulé, hot wine flavoured by some spices such as cloves and cinnamon adding sugar and very similar to the French Vin Chaud. 

In the case you have future plans t visit that magnificent place I added some links below with some very suggested accommodations and information about the territory.

The International Airport Turin Caselle is situated at 149, 0 kilometres from that site and in less than two hours by A5 Motorway via Verrès and Aosta continuing along the Regional Road SR47 at Aosta-Saint Pierre you will reach in a very easy way that destination. 

If you are planning to visit that corner of Italy and the Val di Rhêmes you will live a great and unique tourist experience enjoying a multitude of activities in that splendid corner of the enchanting Alps admiring one of the marvellous and wildest picture of the wildest Aosta Valley, a place absolutely enjoyable and surprising which conquers all people at first sight.

Francesco Mari

Recommended Accommodations in Rhêmes-Notre-Dame

Hotel La Boule de Neige
Hotel Grantaparey
 Hotel Chez Lidia
Hotel Grande Rousse
Le Chalet de Pellaud

Recommended Restaurants in Rhêmes-Notre-Dame

Ristorante La Cheminée
Ristorante Le Refuge Dey Teumy

Useful links

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