Modena | Sublime Charm Under Ghirlandina Tower



The splendid Modena is a centre of Emilia Romagna which lies on a vast flat basin a short distance from the Apennines, a very lively city with a considerable, rich heritage patrimony under its iconic symbol, the imposing Ghirlandina Tower.


Founded by the Roman Empire in the year 183 BC Modena lived a golden era under the Dukes of Este, noble Lords of Ferrara who consolidated themselves among the influential dynasties in the Renaissance leading this city to occupy places of absolute prestige.

 High cultural, and artistic spheres always find in this city a fertile soil to develop their talent and thanks to that Modena boasts an immense monumental heritage visible in the numerous architectural beauties scattered throughout its municipal terms.

Nowadays Modena is a very active, economic and commercial hub of relevance with its province especially in the agri-food, textile, biomedical, metalworking and ceramic sectors.

You can start your visit on the magnificent, monumental and iconic Piazza Grande to be considered unquestionably the “Salotto Modenese”, a stylish urban space where stands the wonderful Cathedral dedicated to San Geminiano.

Its construction developed between the years 1099 and 1319 over  two centuries to create a marvel of Romanesque art next to the superlative Ghirlandina Tower, a complex in the list of major masterpieces concerning this architectural style.

This wonderful complex is a living history sculpted with figures representing allegorical subjects with protagonists monsters, dragons, biblical scenes and the miracles of San Geminiano with the extraordinary reliefs of the master Wiligelmo on the façade and the access portals.

You can stay in front of this spectacular works for a while to understand the artistic concepts of this immense artist purely linked to the history of Humanity connected to the faith and spirituality in force in the Middle Ages.

You can continue the visit the interior where all the mastery of Lanfranco's genius stands out, an authentic predestined of that period.

 Once inside you will admire other great works by Michele da Firenze, Enrico da Campione, Dosso Dossi, the 17th century nativity scene by Begarelli, works by Agostino di Duccio and others linked to the school of the great master Piero Della Francesca.

Do not miss to visit the Diocesan Museum which contains the splendid Metopes, witnesses of the great artistic factory developed in Modena in the 13thcentury, which in their own way are the face of progress in medieval sculpture.

Afterwards, dedicate a stop in front of the Ghirlandina with its 86.12 meters in height, it is a must, considered one of the most attractive bell towers in the world,

 It takes its name from the Garland that correspond to the balustrades visible on the octagonal part of the structure completed by the great Arrigo da Campione.

The artist added an extraordinary spire and balconies that were originally decorated with pinnacles then removed during phases of remodelling.

The exterior shows reliefs with legendary, mystical, symbolic figures such as a Triton with sea monsters, warriors, a swooping eagle, the sacrifice of a kid, a Medusa, King David playing a harp and lion heads.

This majestic tower was not only used for religious but also for defensive and civil activities

Superb is the 17th century spiral staircase that leads to the balustrade section of the magnificent spire under the bells, one of which weighs more than two tons.

You can continue with the Palazzo Comunale, the Town Hall, emblematic building that since the 12th century was the seat of the political activities of the free municipality of Modena.

Its position is very significant because it lies within the three vital city arteries such as the iconic Via Emilia, Via Castellari and Via Scudari where the medieval court with a statue of Perseus is located.

The spectacular Sala del Fuoco stands out in its interiors with the magnificent 16th century frescoes executed by Nicolò dell'Abate and other rooms containing pictorial masterpieces ranging from the medieval period to the early Renaissance.

Afterwards you can pass through the central Piazza Roma where the statue of the patriot Ciro Menotti stands and you can visit the beautiful Church of San Domenico remodelled between the years 1708 and 1731 at the request of the Dukes.

The noble family called for that work the architect Torri who projected a splendid façade stands out with a refined baroque window and very large pilasters.

Inside you will be delighted by fine Baroque paintings, a beautiful sculpture by Antonio Begarelli, imposing columns that support the wonderful ellipsoidal dome with frescoes of the Evangelists by Giuseppe Maria Mazza and paintings by Antonio Consetti depicting the Stories of St. Dominic.

Nearby dedicate a stop at the Church of San Giorgio, one of the most important Baroque buildings in the heart of medieval Modena.

The development of the church started in 1647 on a previous ecclesiastical building of the 12th century by the architects Gaspare Vigarani and Cristoforo Malagola.

The church boasts a beautiful façade developed in two sections by the architect Antonio Loraghi, embellished with nine marble statues made by the sculptor Giovanni Lazzoni assisted by his sons Andrea and Tommaso.

A pleasant walk under the characteristic arcades of Modena that occupy a large part of the historic center flanked by palaces erected in different periods will be a further attraction to breathe the evocative atmosphere of this beautiful Emilian center.

Modena is a gastronomic mecca so you can have many choices. Very suggested as first courses Tortellini or Cappelletti with Ragù or Maltagliati with Beans

Among second courses to choose a good option will be between Rabbit alla Cacciatora or Slices of Cotechino with Sautéed Peas and you can have a vast selection of local wines.

After your lunch have a walk through the old Jewish ghetto and visit the Estense Lapidary with the remains of the historic Mutina and evidence of finds from Roman Modena.

Afterwards you can visit the Estense Gallery which houses a large collection of beautiful masterpieces by Guercino, El Greco, Velasquez, Correggio, Bernini, Begarelli, Dell'Abate, Reni, Mazzoni and many other illustrious artists.

The last stage of your journey can be the Doge's Palace, the famous residence of the Este dynasty now home to the Military Academy, a majestic Baroque palace of great charm for its size and the refined layout of its main façade.

Modena is a superb city with a great patrimony, elegant, stylish, full of life and you will keep very pleasant memories with the desire to come back once again without hesitations.


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