Portugal | New Tourist Product with Porto and Northern Routes


Portugal, beautiful country in the westernmost part of the Iberian Peninsula in southern Europe overlooking the Atlantic Ocean that boasts a unique historical and cultural heritage with wonderful natural beauties and 830 kilometers of coastline has created a new tourist product the "Northern Routes", an initiative that will promote the cultural heritage with tourist potential of the destination, helping to guarantee its visit, further encouraging an invitation to discover a Lusitanian territory that offers a lot for various tourist segments.

CCDR North and Porto and North Tourism have established a cooperation protocol for the creation, development and promotion of Regional Tourist Routes in the North of the country known as Rotas do Norte and there will be 15 different routes.

Several tourist-cultural itineraries of Cultural Heritage, Contemporary Art and Architecture will be established and developed with a vast territorial inclusion at the regional level within the framework of a process that will be ensured through an articulated management model by the two bodies, of formal recognition of the interest in incorporating a heritage asset into a Regional Itinerary.

The indicative list includes up to a dozen general routes in the north such as Rock Art, Camino de Santiago, Contemporary Architecture, Intangible Heritage, Castles and Fortresses, Castro, Romanesque Route, Writers and Literature, Heritage, Industry and History of the Roman Era.

In addition to all that, there are 5 itineraries related to religious tourism such as Monasteries and Convents, Cathedrals, Organs, Sanctuaries, and carvings, tiles and frescoes.

The application for recognition and adhesion to the Northern Routes can be submitted to entities that own, manage or promote cultural heritage assets.

The President of Tourism of Porto and North Portugal said that this agreement will structure a strategic product and will have a more assertive, organized and segmented offer, further enhancing the cultural heritage of the region.

Link : https://www.expreso.info/index.php/noticias/internacional/101430_un_nuevo_producto_de_turismo_de_oporto_e_norte_de_portugal

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