Chile | Leading South American Destination in Sustainable Tourism


Chile, the southernmost country in the world and the closest to Antarctica, a long, narrow nation stretching along South America’s western edge, with more than 6.500 kilometres of Pacific Ocean coastline and highlighted by the imposing Andes mountain range, dramatic and varied landscapes in its interior consolidated its position as leading South American destination in sustainable tourism.

The country was Latin America’s main Green Destination at the famous WTA, World Travel Awards 2024 and previously, awarded as World’s Leading Green Destination in four of the last five editions, showing with these relevant achievements that the national tourism proposal  is greatly progressing towards sustainable tourism.

Along with obtaining these numerous recognitions, in Julu 2024 the so -called National Tourism Strategy 2035 was launched by Sernatur, the National Tourism Service and the Undersecretaty of Tourism, an ambitious plan to promote an ecological and responsible future for tourism, based on relevant main objectives such as Promote Economic and Environmental Sustainability, Encourage tourism practices that minimise environmental impact while stimulating the local economy.

The Director of Sernatur Cristóbal Benitez said that the main objective of this document is to consolidate tourism as a strategic and essential activity for the sustainable development of the country’s regions.

The vision for the year 2035 is for the country to be recognized for its sustainable tourism, which contributes to the well - being of people and local communities, the conservation of the environment and economic growth.

The Director of Sernatur also stressed that among the lines of action of the Sustainable Tourism pillar are business commitment to sustainability, biodiversity and protected areas, culture and tourism awareness,inclusive and accessible tourism, proactive climate action, tourism security and resilience, sustainable destinations, tourism and areas of Tourist Interest and well - being of local communities.

Concerning tourist accommodation services and adventures tourism activities, Sernatur has a registration system to identify the country’s formal offer, differentiate it by type and class and validate its authenticity and validity.

The three types of certifications are the R Seal, Registered Tourist Service, the Q Seal, Tourism Quality Seal and the S Seal, Sustainable tourism, all them grouped in a new Tourism Competitiviness System designed by Sernatur together with IDB, the Inter - American Development Bank well known to be devoted to eradicating extreme poverty and maximizing its investments in human capital from education to food security and health to gender equality.

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