Chile | Climbing in the Global Ranking According to the Anholt Nation Brands Index

Chile, a country in western South America with more than 6.000 kilometres of Pacific Ocean coastline, the southernmost nation in the world and the closest to Antarctica, known for its natural beauty and rich cultural heritage, a destination of prized contrasts with dramatic landscapes highlighted by the imposing Andes, deserts, fertile valleys, forests, temperamental volcanoes and unspoilt beaches is  climbing in the global ranking brands according to the Anholt Nation Brands Index.

 This special index measures the power and appeal of each country's "brand image" by examining global perceptions of six aspects such as Exports, Governance, Culture, People, Tourism, Immigration and Investments, that together provide an overall indication of a nation's reputation.

The Anholt NBI ranking shows an improvement in Chile's image abroad in 2024, moving up three places in the world ranking, going from 41st to 38th in the last measurement, improving in turn in all the dimensions that are evaluated in this survey compared to that of 2023 and in this way, the Latin American country ends the streak of two consecutive losses, noting that in 2021 Chile was in 39th position then fell to 40th and finally 41st in 2023.

It should be noted that this evaluation has analyzed dimension such as exports, governance, culture, tourism, people, immigration and investments and in all of them, the position in the global ranking of Chile rose, out of a total 23 variables, Chile had a stagnant its position in the world ranking, which corresponds to the dimensions of immigration Chile maintained its 35th place.

According to the accurate analysis managed by the Anholt Nation Brands with this performance Chile improved its reputation in international relations, trade, cultural and artistic activities.

In the specific case of Chile, up to 10.968 surveys have been carried out globally in countries such as Australia, Canada, China, France, Germany, India, Italy, Japan, Sweden, the United Kingdom and the United States of America among others.

 In the tourism sector, Chile climbed 4 places from 40th  to 36th confirming a solid recovery due to an attractive and varied offer including several products in various segments, in export and culture to 43rd and 41st place respectively, and governance one ranked to 34th place and in the vast majority of the attributes considered by each of the variable, improvements are seen in the country's performance during 2024 versus 2023.

The indicator of educational qualification saw an increase in the ranking, climbing from 44th to 38th, while in business investment it went frm 46th to 39th, and in general there were seven indicators where Chile rose 5 points or more.

In addition the country also improved its position in the indicators of cultural heritage moving from 44th to 39th and contemporary culture from 43rd to 38th in the ranking, both indicators inclued within the dimension "culture".

Concerning the indicators about people and hospitality and employability, the Latin American country from 41st place to 34th and 35th place respectively.

A further data provided in the tourism category was the indicator which analyzed the historic constructions which had one of the strongest increase in the year, rising 8 positions from 46th to 38th. 

The Executive Director of the Fundación Imagen de Chile, Romana Dresdner, regarding these good results with the aim to achieve better performances, pointed to the importance of coordination between the private, public and citizen sectors, in a transveral work to improve the image of the country, declaring that Chile is understanding and assuming that a good country image is vital for Chile's development and therefore, it is everyone responsibility.

The Executive Director added that it is a process that has been easy, because, deep down, agreeing inpursuit of country objectives that we share in something very typical of Chile, we are good at agreeing and when we agree, things move forward.

Other countries that were evalued in the Ibero - American study were Argentina, Brazil, Mexico and Peru and in this sense, respondents were asked about their familiarity with these countries, in addition to Chile.

The average was 68.8% while in Chile it was 57.3%, with this the country ranks 43rd in familiarity globally and specifically, it was observed that the Andean country has less familiarity than Argentina, Brazil and Mexico, but it is better known than Peru.

Fundación Imagen de Chile said that the knowledge about Chile is greater in Latin American countries and with those with which there is a closer bilateral and commercial relationship, such as China, while in countries such as India, Poland, Russia and Sweden, Chile shows higher levels of knowledge compared to the total, but without standing out in thr global ranking. 

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