Tuscany, Italy - Castilla - La Mancha, Spain | Announcement of a Collaboration Agreement to Boost Tourism between the Two Destinations

Toscana Promozione Turistica, the agency of the Tuscany Region that supports the Tuscan territories in the creation and promotion of their touristic offers in this very popular destination of Italy and Eturia CLM, Castilla - La Mancha, the Public Company for the Promotion of Tourism and Crafts of Castilla - La Mancha, enntity dependent of the Ministry of Economy,  Employment and Business of the Regional Government of the Spanish community announced a collaboration agreement to boost tourism between the two destinations.

The signing of this alliance seeks to promote the creation of new tourism experiences and cultural exchange between the Italian and Spanish territories and to promote snd strengthen their ties in the field of tourism, a partnership created during the celebration of the last FITUR, important Tourism Trade Fair which took place in Madrid, Spain.

The event was attended by the Regional President of Castilla - La Mancha, Emiliano Garcia - Page, the Minister of Economy and President of Eturia CLM, Patricia Franco, the General Director of Tourism, Ana Isabel Fernández - Samper, and the Managing Director of Eturia CLM. Patricia Pérez, who have shown their support for this initiative that strengthens tourism cooperation between the two destinations.

This agreement, which will have an initial duration of two years, will be developed through various initiatives and projects that will be implemented throughout this period with the aims to jointly develop actions to highlight and disseminate the cultural, natural, food and wine reaches of both regions.

Among the agreed actions, both promotion agencies are committed to organizing events to promote their territories, as well as creating a forum for the exchange of experiences between companies and tourist destinations and training programmes will also be developed for professionals in the sector, with a focus on sustainability and quality of services.

Finally, the cultural and natural heritage of both regions will be jointly promoted, with special attention on the impact of tourism and good management practices.

 Both parties have expressed their commitment to work closely together for the mutual benefit of the tourism sectors in the regions and the President of Eturia CLM, Patricia Franco, and the Director of Toscana Promozione Turistica, Francesco Tapinassi will sign the agreement in the capital of Tuscany, Florence in spring.



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