Corredor de Ecoturismo de la España Verde | A New Ecotourism Route in Northern Spain


The meeting of the Monitoring Commission in 2024 of the España Verde tourism brand was recently held, a brand which includes in its umbrella the corresponding territories of the autonomous communities of Galicia, Asturias, Cantabria, Basque Country, this year coordinated by the community of Galicia.

This meeting was attended by the Director of Tourism of Galicia Xosé Merelles, the Deputy Minister of the Principality of Asturias Laura Martinez, the Director General of Tourism of the Government of Cantabria Gustavo Cubero, the Deputy Minister of Tourism and Trade of the Basque Government Jakes Agirrezábal and the Deputy Director of Marketing of Turespaña Enrique Ruiz.

During this event, the main focus was on the activity carried out in recent months regarding the progress made in one of the central projects, namely Corredor de Ecoturismo de la España Verde the  Ecotourism Corridor of the Green Spain, with which it is intended to create the largest ecotourism route in the country with the financing of Next Generation funds.

At the moment there are a total of 331 local tourist companies in the 25 participating protected areas of the four autonomous communities that cover the territory of this area of the northern Iberian Peninsula.

Among them 114 companies are located in Galicia in six protected areas such as the Mariñas Coruñesas and Terras del Mandeo Biosphere Nature Reserve, the Maritime-Terrestrial National Park of the Atlantic Islands, the Ribeira Sacra and Sierras del Orobio and Coürel Biosphere Reserve, the Montañas del Coünel Xeoparque, the Os Ancares Lucenses Biosphere Reserve and the Montes de Cervantes,  Biosphere Reserve of Navia and Becerreá and Rio Eo, Oscos and Terras del Burón.

The companies are finalizing the details of the products that will be part of the great route of the Ecotourism Corridor that will cross the main places of interest of the España Verde with activities focused on wildlife observation and others related to active tourism among others.

The Director of Tourism of Galicia Xosé Merelles underlined that Galicia's commitment to deepen the internationalization of this joint brand in the north of the Iberian Peninsula in the coming months around similar resources such as the Camino de Santiago del Norte, the artistic and historical heritage, but also surfing with various press and familiarization trips in collaboration with offices in Spain,  Germany, Italy, Switzerland or France.

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